It is more of a performace car...hence, maybe Subaru figured that the driving sysle would be hard on the pre-cat causing premature failures?
Just a guess....
Anyhow...don't complain!
Oh...BTW... when we going to meet up so I can get a ride in your STI? graemlins/thumb.gif
Athlon XP 2000+ @ 2100+ (OC'ed)
170Mhz FSB
Antec True 420W PS
512MB PC2100 Micron RAM
WD 80GB 7200rpm IDE HD
WD 20GB 7200rpm IDE HD
16x DVD Rom
ATI Radeon 9800Pro
Creative SBLive! 5.1
ATI TV Wonder VE
19" Dell Monitor
Altec Lansing 5.1 speakers
Nah... ended up having to use the gaskets that came with the ERZ uppipe. The Subie ones wouldn't work as the ERZ flanges are a little off.
I guess you get what you pay for....
She is all sealed up now...
Here is everthing you ever want to know about Magnesium...
Real name
And yeah... thats me on the right.... graemlins/lol.gif
CR name
[ 04. December 2004, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: Maro ]
Got it to seal up, finally... thanks to all your tips. is a picture of the motor....
And here is the turbo orientation where it bolts to the I/C....