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Everything posted by Maro

  1. Was it already registered with Microsoft? If so, it might be a problem?
  2. Chris.... you are an ass..... You have some kind of attention disorder or something?
  3. Upgrade or full version?
  4. It is more of a performace car...hence, maybe Subaru figured that the driving sysle would be hard on the pre-cat causing premature failures? Just a guess.... Anyhow...don't complain! Oh...BTW... when we going to meet up so I can get a ride in your STI? graemlins/thumb.gif
  5. Good point, Ben. Now that you mention it, I think I read that before. Honestly, though, I am more worried about warranty issues (read: denials).
  6. Athlon XP 2000+ @ 2100+ (OC'ed) 170Mhz FSB Antec True 420W PS 512MB PC2100 Micron RAM WD 80GB 7200rpm IDE HD WD 20GB 7200rpm IDE HD TDK 52K CD-RW 16x DVD Rom ATI Radeon 9800Pro Creative SBLive! 5.1 ATI TV Wonder VE 19" Dell Monitor Altec Lansing 5.1 speakers
  7. Front brakes? Why not give it a shot yourself...?
  8. I wouldn't kick either of 'em outta bed for eatin' crackers....
  9. I've been using a Meguire's clay bar for a few years now... great stuff!
  10. graemlins/thatfunny.gif
  11. Nah... ended up having to use the gaskets that came with the ERZ uppipe. The Subie ones wouldn't work as the ERZ flanges are a little off. I guess you get what you pay for.... She is all sealed up now...
  12. graemlins/thatfunny.gif Yeah... what he said! graemlins/nonono.gif
  13. Maro

    06' Z06

    Here is everthing you ever want to know about Magnesium... http://r.searchhippo.com/r3.php?i=3&q=oxygen+deficient+nitrogen+mix+system&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webelements.com%2F
  14. I found my two sets of FM crystals....but still haven't found my AM ones. Did find my AM Magnum Jr., though....
  15. Real name http://www.ginnisw.com/Halloween%202000/Carol%20and%20Steve%202.jpg And yeah... thats me on the right.... graemlins/lol.gif CR name http://lesani.fotoweb.cz/fotky/20040129_polana/062%20Kapu%20a%20Maro%20se%20svou%20hudebni%20aparaturou%20spi%20na%20strategickem%20miste%20-%20vedle%20zasuvky.JPG graemlins/wtf.gif [ 04. December 2004, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: Maro ]
  16. Got it to seal up, finally... thanks to all your tips. Orion...here is a picture of the motor.... http://www.wideopenwest.com/~mccorry/images/subaru/Sophie%20engine.JPG And here is the turbo orientation where it bolts to the I/C.... http://www.wideopenwest.com/~mccorry/images/subaru/Uppipe/Intercooler%20off.JPG
  17. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=673824&page=1&pp=25
  18. I've done gears before if you're interested...
  19. Maro

    Pontiac GTO

    Oh... you mean the REAL GTO's, right?
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