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Everything posted by Maro

  1. $35 http://akamaipix.crutchfield.com/products/2002/113/h113w3005-o_side.jpeg Details --> http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=12038
  2. Site is down for March due to Bandwidth .... Anybody download it to repost?
  3. AMD 2000+ (OCed to 1.7 GHz) 1GB PC2100 Crucial RAM 2:55
  4. Helicopter Video ? Anyone have it yet?
  5. 72 m the first try..... 77 is my best... 4th try...
  6. I have 1 12" 8-ohm Kenwood in my garage if you are interested.....
  7. Good looking car, Eric.... Oh... and MadMalibu....here is another shot of his Camaro... http://www.ohiocamaros.com/images/EricTunstall.jpg
  8. Sped up.... and the 8 minute lap time is because it is at the Nurinburg Ring..... HUGE track.
  9. I hate that friggin song..... to think they made money on that song.....
  10. Maro

    Its a good thing

    If people stop eating eggs for breakfast...do you think that the chickens will stop laying them? . My $0.02 for anyone who might g a s.... I agree with Anthony...the world is overpopulated. To me, humanity is just like a virus. We spread and consume with no perceived boundries. We use up the land and the resources and then move on. It's quite discouraging. Abortion is the least of our worries. Maybe people should worry more about themselves and less about judging others.... which leads me to the second item... religion.... As far as my views on religion..... religion is a tool to harness power and control the masses. Most people cannot think for themselves when it comes right down to it. They need someone to tell them what is wrong and what is right. Someone to "pray" to about their tough decisions....
  11. Maro

    ebay question

    If she stated the shipping costs on the auction... and you bid, and won..... then you are obligated to pay the total price. If you want to arrange for pick up... that really needs to be done (and documented) before you bid on the auction. I always check S&H before I bid as this inflated shipping cost issue is becoming more and more common... Sorry to hear you got caught....
  12. Thanks for the offers guys... I ended up purchasing a Cadence- 2ch - 250W bridged @ 4 Ohm... Should be enuf to push the 10" Infinity sub I have... I decided against the 12" as it might be too much for me. I'm not looking to boom...just need more bass than my amp'ed 8" bazooka tube is giving me. I will probably put the Kenwood 12" up on here soon...
  13. Yep... been there... done that.... The sheet metal is all gone, but you can find the occasional useful part.
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