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Everything posted by Maro

  1. That's alot of work.... I may have missed this, but where are you going....?
  2. Welcome to the board.... smile.gif
  3. Beating a new Stang..... http://www.allfordmustangs.com/images/2005Mustang.wmv
  4. Maro

    Ebay Question

    Retract it and fill in the reason as "you entered the wrong bid amount". No problems. I have had to do that once or twice...
  5. Hacking on Star Wars fans..... http://www.milkandcookies.com/stuff/triumphvsw.asx
  6. I'm going to bludgeon you so hard, you will drink poison and piss honey!"
  7. <table align="center" width="250"><tr><td align="center"><div style="font-size:18px;font-family:Verdana">I AM 9% METROSEXUAL!</div>http://www.fuali.com/pix/113/1.gif<div style="font-size:10px;font-family:Verdana">I need some advice. I need to STOP BUYING MY CLOTHS AT WAL-MART!!!! I will never land a decent woman unless I shave this nasty facial hair, and spend more then $5 on a haircut.</div><div style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana">Take the METROSEXUAL test at Fuali.com</div></td></tr></table>
  8. graemlins/wtf.gif Huh? What do you think a differential does, then? graemlins/nonono.gif
  9. Maro


  10. http://www.muchosucko.com/video-germanpowerslide.html
  11. Take away all their cars and then they won't have ANY automotive sourced pollution. Let them ride fuckin bicycles to work.... graemlins/jerkit.gif
  12. From 50/50 to 70/30 I believe....
  13. Maro

    Miss Reef

    My bad... sorry....
  14. http://web.bitnet.net/liqqe/MADs%20Nissan%20200SX%20s14a.wmv
  15. http://www.ls1motorsports.com/media/QMP-TurboZ-9.86@136.wmv graemlins/grin2.gif
  16. http://home.golden.net/~myimc/pics/neonjump1.mpg Huge balls... .or just stupidity.... you be the judge....
  17. Not sure if this has been posted before.. but I thought it was funny.... http://www.lookatvideo.com/cocasse/funnycats.asf
  18. Maro

    Miss Reef

    http://www.extremelounge.ca/english/photos_missreefwakestock.htm pictures http://www.extremelounge.ca/missreefmontreal.htm video edited NWS icon ~ Alex [ 23. September 2004, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: Mr. 2 ]
  19. Kinda started out normally... until he started singing about the milkman wifes tits... Then all hell broke loose! graemlins/wtf.gif
  20. Damn.... sorry..... graemlins/slap.gif
  21. Exactly.... Do you honestly think that if we pull out of the middle east, they won't bring the fight to the US? Bring it to our towns...on our soil? They already have before. Or have we, as Americans already forgotten? I fear we have.... The only good thing about Iraq is that at least it is keeping the fucking terrorists busy over there (in the armpit of the world)..... graemlins/nonono.gif Pretty sad situation... isn't it? I become more and more dissapointed in the human race with every passing year.... graemlins/nonono.gif [ 22. September 2004, 11:43 PM: Message edited by: Maro ]
  22. The guy on the scooter almost ate hood... http://www.erborrico.com/206raba.wmv
  23. His name was Eugene Armstrong......
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