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Everything posted by Maro

  1. I think I have a set.... give me a little bit to try and find them....
  2. Maro

    going to iraq

    Best of luck.... take care of yourself and keep your melon down! I second the bag of sand!
  3. I have thought of that, Neo, but I want to keep the stocker up-pipe on the shelf in case I need it in the future (emmision testing, warranty issues, etc.).
  4. Kinda need one fast... like tomorrow or Wednesday...
  5. Looking for a cheap factory uppipe (gutted or factory catless). If you have one to sell quick, PM me... or drop me an Email.
  6. There is no turbo to IC hose on the Legacy, Orion... the IC bolts directly to the turbo outlet. The other is tight.... What is Kelly's screen name? Slow69... yeah... I am working on it tomorrow after work....
  7. Well... pulled it apart tonight and found that the lower up-pipe flange had been leaking. There was soot all over the one side of the gasket. Went to put my new gaskets on and found the problem. The bottom flange is cut wrong and the hole is not centered on the OEM gasket. ARGH! Now I need to figure out how I am going to address this... Looks like my only option is to put it together with the crappy gaskets that came with the up-pipe. At least I know what the problem is now.... I would really like to get a hold of a gutted Subaru up-pipe and use that! Anyone have one handy!?!?
  8. http://www.humorbug.com/fpics/s_humorbug_5c04100021.jpg
  9. Still waiting on gaskets to get here before I try it again.... BTW... happy Thanksgiving everyone....
  10. Anyone have a link to the mayhem?
  11. Sorry to hear it.... I have heard that some others have had bogus warranty denials. Oh well.... I appreciate your offer. I would like a better informed person to give it a listen for their opinion. I'll give ya a call sometime. A tea kettle sound is accurate. I couldn't think of a way to describe it, but that is perfect! The pipe is an ERZ unit. I was re-using the OEM gaskets, which might be most of the problem. I have a full set of Subie gaskets on order, then I plan on trying it again. [ 23. November 2004, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: Maro ]
  12. Did nothing with the boost. Everything is still factory, except for the uppipe. I know that sometimes an uppipe can raise boost, but im my case, the boost is still controlled by the ECU. Others have done this mod without any compressor issues (same as WRX and STI's). I don't have a gauge in the car right now (plan to add one in the future). [ 21. November 2004, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: Maro ]
  13. Hey guys... thought one of you on here could help me out. Saturday, I pulled everthing apart and installed a new cat-less uppipe on my LGT. The dealer did not have any gaskets available, but I have heard others re-use gaskets. Mine looked really good, so I gave it a try. Everything went well and I took the car out for a test drive. Now for the problem..... Under boost, there is a loud shrill whine (like a COBRA supercharger). Starts under load just as boost comes up and stays there steady until you lift off the throttle. graemlins/wtf.gif My understanding is that this is probably an uppipe flange leak. I do not know what flange it is or how to determine that. I did find, however, that I torqued some of the flanges in the wrong order. SO......today I went out and pulled everything apart again and started over. I used spray copper sealant on the gaskets when reassembling and followed the torque procedures very closely. The result.... I STILL HAVE A LEAK! ARGH! graemlins/doh.gif So, I am ordering a full set of Subaru gaskets tonight to prepare for re-doing the work once again. Could any of you offer any advice? I would be happy to have someone else listen to this (who knows more about Subies and turbo motors). PLEASE!!! I could use some help with this diagnosis..... Thanks, Steve
  14. Somebody had too much time.......
  15. This media bullshit, my friends, is why AMERICA is fucking doomed. We are nation of left wing pussies who want nothing but warm feelings and clean wars. Ugh...makes me sick.
  16. I have the dreaded studder issue..... the sound loops and the screen goes to strobe effect every time the HD caches up for sound... Very annoying....
  17. Maro


    Welding on Cast is not a good idea....too brittle...
  18. graemlins/thatfunny.gif You have issues, my friend.... Good job! graemlins/thumb.gif
  19. I have played Counter Strike: Source and the ragdoll physics and graphics are AMAZING! Totaly engrossing. Right now I am 76 minutes away from playing (downloading HL2 from Source). Argh...the wait....the wait....
  20. Hey Turd... you still want it? Check your PM's.....
  21. That is just wrong...... in oh, so many ways....
  22. graemlins/gives.gif Go Purdue! graemlins/thumb.gif
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