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Posts posted by CobraKevin

  1. Gordon Sinclair - The Americans


    A "song" my dad listened to all the time. Basically a skit that tells about all the shit the US did for other nations and have got nothing in return. Lots of nifty tidbits of info in that.

  2. Originally posted by Marty-MlnknprkrM:

    [QBAnd hasnt wrecked it? Serious props.[/QB]

    ...unless hitting the garage at 1 mph counts as a wreck. Oh yeah, I did spin out on the freeway about a month ago, but I didn't hit anyone/anything. Got stuck in the mud in the median, but that's about it. Other than that, I'm 100%. tongue.gif
  3. A lot of people in the winter time start their cars and let them run a while for obvious reasons. Meanwhile, you're burning up your fuel. Yeah, it's not much, but you leave the car running 10 minutes a day each morning, it'll add up.
  4. Well while I was at work about two weeks ago, I was attemping to pry a tire's bottom bead loose on the wheel because it was being extremely stubborn. I was using a metal bar about 20 inches long that we use to pull both beads over top of an arm to rotate that tire off of the wheel. I was placing pressure down on the end nearest me and pulling up on the far end with a lot of force (use your imagination). Then the far end of the bar slipped from underneat the tire...so yeah, I had a goose egg on my forehead for a solid two days.


    In conclusion, I know what it sounds like when metal forcefully makes contact with a forehead...and it sounds strikingly similar to the bashing in that video. I would be willing to bet that it is fake for the simple fact that nobody in their right mind who committed a murder would've allowed it to be recorded (being right in front of them, that is), must less placed on the internet for all to see. But in the same token that the Halle Berry sex seen in Monster's Ball is almost as awesome as large portion of porn I've seen, this probable fake was still efficient to get a strange feeling in my gut.

  5. Originally posted by The Vette:

    Hmm I dunno if that was real or not. Kinda looked like a movie or something cause at the end the guy was smiling but damn that is some great ass trick video if that is fake. Where the hell did that guy come from with the bottle. I know the 2 guys were fighting and one was on top of him and broke the others arm then this guy out of nowhere????WTF I would like to know the story if this is real..

    Took the words right out of my head. I'm kinda speechless myself...
  6. Anyone seen the movie Rules of Engagement with Sameul L. Jackson? There was the part in the movie where a doctor from Yemen was reciting Islamic Jihad from a tape recorder, saying a bunch of stuff about "...duty to kill Americans" and what not. I don't know if that's true or not, but as long as whatever religion one decides to partake in doesn't have stupid shit like that in it, I don't care. I think it's extremely unfair to judge an entire group of people based on a few that fuck it up for the majority of them. Unfortunately, that happens too much already.
  7. Originally posted by MRMEANR:

    I still celibrate chirstmas. As a child it was never taught to me as a religous holiday. It was portrayed as a family holiday. I always thought that getting a tree and all that was just a way to bring a family together for a few days of the year. Something to do really. We never had pictures of jesus, went to church, or had crosses or any of that other parafanailia (spelling?) around the house.


    I dont plan on teaching my kids that its a religous holiday either... unless my future wife happens to be religous, then she can do whatever.



    Originally posted by Venomss:

    Just because I have doubts as to the existence of a God doesn't mean I can't celebrate a holiday.

    ...and yes.
  8. Saw that car probably two weeks ago at a gas station (Speedway I believe) at Gender and Refugee. I was with a couple buddies of mine from work on our way to a club and I saw him getting gas. One of my buddies was like "How about that 'Stang?" I was like "Uh, it's fuckin gay." "I think it looks pretty cool. The blue wheels don't look all that bad on a white car like that." I just said "You're a moron," and we left.
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