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Everything posted by morabu

  1. For not being an actual meat, i thought the Sofritas were pretty damn good.
  2. LMAO at Kimi! i think he might be the originator of No Fucks Given. Reporter:any tips Kimi? Kimi: just drive Reporter wrecks, Kimi laughs Reporter:you just sat there and let me wreck Kimi:happens often with women drivers Classic Kimi
  3. Good looking woman, with a nice looking fake Wageena!
  4. I would say Note 3 or 4, LG G3, Nexus 5 or 6 Those are about the only phones I would be looking at, if my current Note 3 bit the dirt.
  5. Great video. The Countach was the 1st car i ever fell in love with, like many boys i'm sure. Just a sharp, beautiful, futuristic look. As already mentioned, THAT EXHAUST NOTE! Thanks for posting this Clay
  6. CoD AW price changed to $35 or the same trades
  7. FAR CRY 4 SOLD! i have Call of Duty Advanced Warfare for PS4 sold! J.R.
  8. i have Far Cry 4 and Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. Both for PS4 asking $40 each i would be willing to trade COD for it's Xbox One counterpart. Far Cry 4 i would trade for the following Xbox One games Halo MCC GTA 5 Destiny + $15
  9. do you know how much are all their taxes and fees are going to be as well?
  10. Just got one of these in the mail myself. SERIOUSLY thinking of cutting out cable, with that $50/50 Mb deal. http://img170.imagevenue.com/loc465/th_458655853_2015_01_1619.29.23_122_465lo.jpg
  11. i still believe JT Barrett is the starter next year. In any case, i wouldn't want to be a QB at tOSU next year. you are going to have a GREAT QB right behind you, waiting on an injury. or the coach to feel like you're not playing well. Great for the fans and team, shitty for those QB's
  12. I'm currently trying to clear out some of my backlog of games. Playing Far Cry 3 right now. it's fun as shit. going straight into 4 when i'm done. Just finished up Shadow of Mordor. Great Game as well.
  13. morabu

    LTE speedtest??

    just did a test over by the casino. 36.3 Down/ 19.8 Up I'm on T-Mobile
  14. Agreed Katzingers and their OVERPRICED food can burn for all i care.
  15. $800 Build CPUhttp://www.microcenter.com/product/432161/Core_i5-4590_37GHz_LGA_1150_Boxed_Processor - $160 Mobohttp://www.microcenter.com/product/433110/H97M_Pro_LGA1150_mATX_Intel_Motherboard - $80 GPUhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150697 - $270 Ramhttp://www.microcenter.com/product/382101/Ballistix_Sport_8GB_DDR3-1600_%28PC3-12800%29_CL9_Dual_Channel_Desktop_Memory_Kit_%28Two_4GB_Memory_Modules%29 - $78 SSDhttp://www.microcenter.com/product/434188/MX100_Series_256GB_SATA_III_6Gb-s_25_Internal_Solid_State_Drive_CT256MX100SSD1 - $110 HDDhttp://www.microcenter.com/product/399210/Barracuda_7200_1TB_SATA_60Gb-s_35_Internal_Hard_Drive_ST1000DM003_-_Bare_Drive - $57 Casehttp://www.microcenter.com/product/323929/V3_Black_Edition_ATX_Mid_Tower_Computer_Case?rf=Search+Results+Top+%3E+Feature+2+%3E+Computer+Case+Top+2 - $40 $795 + tax and should be set for quite a few years
  16. really depends on what else they would be playing. $800 can build a pretty DAMN GOOD machine here's 2, assuming no monitor or accessories best budget (imho) CPUhttp://www.microcenter.com/product/401797/FX_6300_Black_Edition_35GHz_Six-Core_Socket_AM3_Boxed_Processor - $90 Mobohttp://www.microcenter.com/product/398237/GA-78LMT-USB3_Socket_AM3_mATX_760G_AMD_Motherboard - FREE w/cpu GPUhttp://www.microcenter.com/product/427909/Radeon_R9_270_Overclocked_2GB_GDDR5_PCIe_30_Video_Card - $170 Ramhttp://www.microcenter.com/product/382101/Ballistix_Sport_8GB_DDR3-1600_%28PC3-12800%29_CL9_Dual_Channel_Desktop_Memory_Kit_%28Two_4GB_Memory_Modules%29 - $78 SSDhttp://www.microcenter.com/product/439432/Slim_S60_120GB_Sata_III_6Gb-s_25_Internal_Solid_State_Drive_%28SSD%29_SP120GBSS3S60S25 - $55 HDDhttp://www.microcenter.com/product/399210/Barracuda_7200_1TB_SATA_60Gb-s_35_Internal_Hard_Drive_ST1000DM003_-_Bare_Drive - $57 Casehttp://www.microcenter.com/product/323929/V3_Black_Edition_ATX_Mid_Tower_Computer_Case?rf=Search+Results+Top+%3E+Feature+2+%3E+Computer+Case+Top+2 - $40 $490 + tax and will play a ton of games at high/ultra settings at 1080p
  17. you guys need to check out the new electric Karts across from the casino! http://www.buckeyeraceway.com/ it's fun as hell. i'd be down for a meetup there.
  18. not sure if it's been posted already or not. if so, oh well. this seems like it could be used in some sweet applications. https://autos.yahoo.com/news/worlds-most-advanced-gas-engine-170021695.html thoughts?
  19. you could try Family Video. the closet one to you that i know of, is off of Norton Rd. by the Little Caesars. If you live in Hilliard
  20. morabu


    i have a 8TB Plex Server setup in the basement. LOVE IT!
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