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Everything posted by LJ

  1. I said all I disagree with is anarcho-capitalist views of many mainstream libertarian. The wanting many fewer regulations isnt something I can always get behind. Especially when it comes to enviromental issues. I also believe in goverment land ownership such as national parks, forests, and BLM lands.
  2. Well I first I want change in the sense of instead of doing exactly what you are doing, that people listen to others rather than just automatically ASSuming their views. 2nd I think we need balanced budgets. A law requiring it except in active war time needs enacted. 3rd our planet needs protection, as it is the only one we have. This would include access to clean drinking water. 4th I think corporate welfare has to stop, taxes should be fair on business, and regulation needs to be fair but strict. Too many cheaters ruins it for everyone. 5th. Weed should be legal, gay marriage is fine, racism isnt a 1 way street, and I dont care what bathroom you use. 6th. Guns for all 7th. Healthcare and student debt are issues that are killing this country, but I have no idea how to fix it.
  3. Thank you for deciding what my political views are for me. I appreciate it.
  4. Mainstream libertarians are typically too anarcho-capitalist for my taste
  5. This is a major flaw in the political climate right now. There shouldn't have to be a law in place in order to hold politicians accountable to the public for things like this. Too much "youre a whiny liberal" and "youre a nazi republican" instead of "this guy screwed up and we as the public should condemn him for it"
  6. He was using an AOL account and it was hacked. Its a blatent disregard for data security and is NOT ok. Why should we be complacent just because a lax law says something is OK? Data security is a major issue in 2017 and its not ok that so many of our politicians disregard it, regardless of any laws.
  7. Why does that mean you should be OK with something? Data security is a serious issue and blatent disregard of it is a character issue at this point IMO.
  8. He said that he didn't have contact with Russia as part of the campaign, as the question asked. He claims the contact was official business as a senator.
  9. The Pence story? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/03/02/hackers-accessed-a-private-email-account-vice-president-pence-used-for-official-business-as-indiana-governor/?utm_term=.646f1b92befc
  10. I hadn't seen comments like that. My guess is they are cherry picked ones from the nuttys. The majority of comments on Reddit were along the lines of "That isn't appropriate for any professional setting". Then the posters from The_Donald subreddit came in and started attacking everyone saying "well she was just taking a picture", defending how she was sitting.
  11. You have no idea what the word "personification" means, do you?
  12. Actions. Get it right. And who is "They"? It's not just Democrats who are laughing at her.
  13. Let's put it this way. If you walked into an office meeting that is full suit level, and you saw someone sitting there like that, the first thought would be "what in the fuck?"
  14. Actually most comments are about the level of the "box of wine" comment, and it's just tacky, but nothing about "disrespecting the office"
  15. People are like "OMG, that is out of context, this is the context of her being there! How is that any better? There was obviously a pro photog there.
  16. W is now the elder statesman of the US http://www.npr.org/2017/02/27/517547987/bush-weighs-in-on-trump-presidency-calling-press-indispensable-to-democracy?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20170227
  17. My favorite comment on Reddit is that she is the personification of a box of wine.
  18. This is just awkward http://i.imgur.com/eF91el1.jpg
  19. I partially agree. Shit online media will do that, but the prevalence of that has allowed Trump to attack ALL media and get people to yell "it's ALL fake" when that just isn't true.
  20. Sad. If the media isn't there to keep our government accountable, who is? The media is a GOOD thing, they are NOT the enemy
  21. I see you are buying into his brainwashing. You are doing exactly what he wants. Discredit the media so he cam do no wrong.
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