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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Blocking all media is different than only allowing your shill media groups and blocking other media because you don't like them. It's part of his tactic to make people distrust the media and only trust him and media groups that work with him (Breitbart, America News Network or whatever.... Seriously.....)
  2. The White Houae barred media outlets The Hill, New York Times, BBC among others from a gaggle briefing today but allowed trash like Breitbart in.
  3. Washington Post and NYT staff reporting is top notch. It's the op ed's that are typically more left leaning. Vox and Slate belong closer to MSNBC. HuffPo is right where they should be. They have some quality reporting on some stuff, some really partisan crap on other stuff, and a bunch of hyper-left blogs.
  4. Correct. Here is a pre-NCAA bio of an OSU wrestler This is a non-scholly backup for OSU
  5. If I had to put my efforts towards 1, I want a John Glenn statue... But
  6. Yes, but in some areas you can keep your old TWC plan or switch to the new Spectrum plans.
  7. I just called myself and they told me to drop to 15/1 and buy my own modem Edit: spoke with someone else. The Spectrum deals and services arent available in all areas yet.
  8. My wife tried calling Spectrum on our account, as we have the 30mb interest and some basic cable that TWC packaged because it saved $5. They told her that the $45 is for new customers only, that we dont get it anyway because of basic cable, and that there was nothing they could do.
  9. The GOP has no balls right now. To only have 2 vote against Devos, who is CLEARLY not qualified for the job is despicable.
  10. Her Super Bowl ad is the only one I laughed at I think
  11. It is just going to eventually show that the country is truly a center based majority that leans more socially liberal and slightly fiscally conservative. Watching people's reactions on social media when they learn that they will lose their health insurance if the ACA is repealed just shows that what people THINK they believe vs what they ACTUALLY believe may not be the same thing.
  12. http://www.curvemag.com/radicalmooselambs.jpg
  13. I tried it one year in high school. Everyone always said it helped with football, so I went out for wrestling. First day I was told I would need to drop like 15 pounds. Noped out. That being said, I have a buddy that was an All American and Big Ten champ wrestler at Michigan in the 90's and he has always been hesitant to get his kids into wrestling due to the damage you can do to your body with yo-yoing your weight
  14. Went to brunch at Lake Hope Lodge and took the kids to see the furnace
  15. The former CEO LOVED having the retail stores. It was almost like a hobby. Even though the stores were losing money for years, the company was still turning a profit. The new CEO came in late last year, used the expense of the giant new headquarters and ethanol plant to show that the company was losing money as a whole, and decided that they needed to cut the retail.. Oh well.
  16. Well the problem is that there is a group called the American Humane Association that has people that monitor filming and tag a film "No Animals were Harmed". Well they had a monitor there and they didn't stop it, even though they were breaking many laws in California.
  17. Do this with the fence, just make the gate a lot taller on the stairs http://artistic-landscapes.com/graphics/projects/ad_stone_wall_iron_gate_georgetown.jpg
  18. Ive carried a Buck 303 for years now at multiple businesses and no one has ever batted an eye. The more tactical and bigger a knife is, the more chance that crazy old Betty is going to be offended.
  19. Alabama fans have been saying that Sheffield is damn good, and is a enforcer type corner. Apparently his dad is an asshole though, and kind of got him run out of Alabama.
  20. Latest on Lindsey is that this was 100% unexpected by Ohio State. Tate Martell didn't even know until Lindsey announced it on Twitter at 2am (Lindsey lived with Martell for a while)
  21. Rumor is there are concerns about his injury and the staff wanted to redshirt him and he feels like he can play
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