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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Power destroying ice, or just more thin layers like this morning and today?
  2. i think everyone does at this point
  3. Can I get an update for tonight and tomorrow. Rumor is that tomorrow is going to be way worse than last night
  4. so if it continues it's current track we will get thunderstorms and some more freezing rain?
  5. I just read 5 completely different predictions. I guess I am just gonna hope I have power when I wake up in the morning and just go with the flow otherwise
  6. Did he just say that? because his artcile at 4:30 said .1 of ice tonight.... dammit Jym, get your shit together
  7. $100 +1.50 per pound? That is a rip off for an animal that has no closed season and no bag limit in most areas
  8. While the predictions here can be wild, when we get close to a storm it is much more accruate and up to date than weather.com or the news.
  9. so what is the latest update? My fiancee said she read that Columbus is down to .1" of ice, a few inches of snow and lots of rain.
  10. 1. He works at Lowes, it's that shitty. It's like $147 per chack 2. You do realize that if it is a 12 month payment plan that doesn't change anything right? Plus a lot of it id PRE NATAL care aka before the baby is born 3. She is on bed rest. She isn't allowed to do anything. their house is 1900 sq ft, their utilites are over $300 per month. Let's not forget the medical bills. They are not ok. But you can keep making up numbers and scenarios that aren't true in your head if that makes you feel better.
  11. Yep, I always get a lead on storms, anywhere from like 15-20 minutes to hours.
  12. It's getting close, my sinuses are killing me
  13. Yeah, I definitely carry short term insurance as does my fiancee. She also has a private carrier long term insurance that pays her student loans and something like 90% of her salary for the rest of her life. It's like $52 per month.
  14. under 10 employees I do not believe so.
  15. You don't really, since I have seen their finances personally. You are assuming you know, but in reality, you don't. $5,000 insurance deduct, 80/20 up to 10,000, average vag birth and prenatal care costs $7500. That means that they will be paying $5,500 out of pocket alone. With your math, that takes their monthly income down to $1416 per month. You came up with $1475 in expenses per month. Now tell me, how is -59 per month with your math "not a huge struggle"?
  16. How is her getting laid off because of a problem with the pregnancy her fault? It's not the country's fault either, but that is what the program is for, not for some loser to have 50 kids and not work. the program was meant to help people in need. That is what it needs to do. They could afford a kid just fine when they got pregnant. Maybe you should say the same thing to people that unexpectedly get cancer and can't afford to pay their bills because they have to quit working?
  17. Because you have kids and you see their outgoing bills. Just because you THINK that they SHOULDN'T cost that much doesn't make it true. I went over their bills with them to try to help them find money. They have about $75 per month left for gas and incidentals.
  18. They don't have the kid yet, she is just pregnant. throw in $150/month for vitamins and such as well as Dr's appts and stuff.
  19. so 4-5" of snow and a .25" of ice, much melting off Wed.
  20. This doesn't make sense. It is very hard to get for the people who need it, but look at all the lowlifes who just sit around on welfare and do nothing, keep having kids so they get more money, trashing their trailer home because it is "too nice" to make sure they don't lose any of their check, scamming the system in many other ways. All of these things I have witnessed personally. It is very much a reality in this country.
  21. Depends, some companies already pay the highest premium and really don't care. the Federal Gov't and a few big banks in Columbus come to mind. They have 1 paid off car, a $55,000 mortgage, student loans in forbearance and eat like college students. What else do you want them to do? I am assuming she got unemployment. His wife doesn't qualify because she only had 5 months at this job, and she needed 6 to qualify.
  22. so we are right on the 40% to 10% line. so likely a 24%ish chance we will get .25" of ice or more
  23. as long as it isn't power devistating ice, I can deal with it
  24. so some ice, some snow, then everything melting off, then all the moisture freezing?
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