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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ

    Retarded Idea?

    MUUUUUUUUUUDFLAAAAAAAAAAAAPS sorry I had to... damn good memories
  2. LJ

    Missing Person Alert

    Evidently she was leaving class/work/lunch and no one saw her again. I don't have many details as most of it has come from others who were in the UK group. Edit: thanks for the alert icon.
  3. A girl I had a bunch of classes with in college and was in my group of people who went to the UK in 2006 is missing. They found her car abandoned in the Hocking Hills area http://www2.nbc4i.com/cmh/news/local/article/police_issue_missing_adult_alert/32175/ http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs261.ash1/18845_533272481045_53400864_31661348_517581_n.jpg
  4. Baiting? No... I am literal kind of guy.
  5. The injection spot has been proven to be the only tainted meat source in an animal. You can argue against that all you want, but that's the truth. And sorry, I don't have the reference for all of that because it is in VIN, my gf is the only one who has that access.
  6. That's the case cited for blowing seeds buddy. Frito Lay has over 1000 contract infringement lawsuits over the years for the same things. Only difference is they were suing over a contract and not patent infringement. Show me the other cases of Monsanto suing on seed blowing?
  7. Hey nothing wrong with any of that. I am all for family farms as I grew up on one, have many family members who are farmers, have a gf (soon to be fiance) that works in food animal production, etc.
  8. Keep myself blind. Dude, you are arguing against something that veterinarians, you know, the people who deal with this stuff and went to school for this stuff have found. I'm not the blind one. I fucking hate it when just because I don't buy into someone's opinion they call me "blind". You are the reason I didn't want to discuss this, because I knew you would pull out the "I know more than veterinarians" and "keep being blind" bullshit.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto_Canada_Inc._v._Schmeiser That is the case they reference. I've never found case documents in the U.S.
  10. I'll believe the veterinarians on this one, not a Chiropractor, sorry.
  11. There is not 1 case where Monsanto sued where the farmer was unaware that he was reusing drifted Monsanto seeds.
  12. No more pull than any other industry in this country. Appeal to emotions fallacy. That's all this movie does is tug on your heart strings and say "that isn't natural so it MUST be unsafe" Consumers don't know what they want. The food industry is what it is in this country because it is what consumers wanted. In 20 years there will be some other fight. Do I think things are perfect? Definitely not. Do I think some things needed changed? Definitely do. But this is what consumers wanted, now they want something else. And yes, food most certainly safer today than it was 50 years ago.
  13. I also think it's funny that someone calls a statement "naive" that is backed by veterinary studies. Guess they are all in on the conspiracy.
  14. Because you know veterinary practices? Hmm, who to believe??? Oh I know, the girl who just passed her national veterinary board licensing exam that had the exact question of "what states require livestock vaccination". Oh, I see you went back and bolded. They don't reach the food on your table because proper vaccinations are given in spots on the cow, or pig where the meat is not consumed. Certain portions of the neck are such thin in muscularity that it does not reach any other meat while that portion is ruined.
  15. like I said I don't know much about chicken farming nor does anyone I know. Hell they don't even teach it to the food animal veterinary students at OSU Swine are a huge carrier of disease. While the way they are farmed is disgusting, it is actually the safest way to do it. If your idea were a good plan, why does just about every state in the U.S. want wild hogs eradicated from their eco system? Meat is safer today than it was 50 years ago.
  16. That is a large myth as well. Farmers are required to vaccinate animals in certain states, mainly a lot of the beef producing states. These vaccines never reach your food on your table One part I am mad the movie didn't touch on is that amount of foreign meat that is used in this country that does not have the oversight of the meat we have here. Overall like I said the movie really tugs on the Appeal to Nature fallacy. Is corn fed beef actually dangerous compared to grass fed? No, the corn fed beef is actually higher in fat making it tastier which is why most beef in this country is produced like that. It's due to THE CONSUMER wanting that, not the farmers. Consumers want a tasty, high quality, inexpensive beef product and the producers give it to them. 50 years later people start to complain and decide they want something else, yet they blame the farmer for producing what they have wanted for the past 50 years. It's ridiculous.
  17. Umm... Processing of meat is anytime it's cut up, cleaned etc. And the ammonia is only used in the low end "beef product" crap. Yes they clean the machines with it, but then the low end crap is processed before the high end stuff. I've been to processing plants and seen it first hand. Plus the amount they clean the machines with would cook off before it ever had a chance to enter your body....
  18. LJ

    black hal

    Bring da amberlamps
  19. I'm not so sure it's clean enviroment or natural diet with the tyson chickens, it's their rate of growth gives them heart attacks and mobility issues. There is a reason that a lot of food production vets choose to not do poultry. I've always thought that hog farming needs the most changes, poultry a distant 2nd to hog farming and cattle a distant 3rd to poultry.
  20. Because he knowingly had cleaned Monsanto seeds. Back in the late 70's a good friend of mine was a head buyer and contract agent for Frito Lay. In those days they selected their own seed stock and sold it to the farmer. It was in their contracts that they COULD NOT clean seeds. They won lawsuits against farmers and seed cleaners for cleaning the seed that had been sold to them. Would they survive an anti-trust suit? Probably, there are other seed companies out there. Big Agri Business is no dirtier than any other large corporations and industries in the U.S. I missed the nutrient dense foods part. There was a part of the movie that I missed. Why won't Tyson let people in? I don't know. A lot of it probably has to do with the amount of dead chickens from heart attacks. I don't know much about chicken farming. I do know that the reasoning they claim behind the closed in houses are for disease prevention.
  21. I don't let getting into debates about the movie because it REALLY tugs on the appeal to emotion and appeal to nature fallacies. The biggest thing I like to point out is when they mention "and e coli is even making it into vegetables now" is that the e coli strains found in veggies are from human feces. Also, Frito Lay has been suing people for the same thing that Monsanto has for over 40 years now. A seed contract is a seed contract. Find me 1 case that Monsanto won where the contract was not violated? The Tyson chicken farming is gross, but check out hog farming, why they chose to not go after they is amazing to me. In other words, there is nothing wrong with educating yourself, but if you want to actually do it, don't just watch a propagandist movie, do some leg work yourself. Contact local farmers, speaks with profs at local OSU branches. There are some things in that movie that are spot on but other claims are completely off. Like the "80% of e coli disappears in 1 week if a cow is put on grass" that is completely made up out of thin air and there is absolutely 0 veterinary study that states anything like that.
  22. Louie Vito... such a bad ass that he walks through LA barefoot http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/fp/Chelsie+Hightower+Louie+Vito+Visiting+Parlour+ltqurFjmWfOl.jpg
  23. Vito got hosed White with a fuckin 48 holy shit
  24. Don't care the order they finish as long as the US gets the sweep
  25. The one with the major crash is all that is man
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