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Everything posted by LJ

  1. As someone who works at Ohio State and checked in on facebook because the cell network was shit during the lockdown, it was pretty fucking annoying seeing all these check ins from people who arent here.
  2. http://starecat.com/content/wp-content/uploads/and-this-is-where-i-keep-my-genetics-fat-lady-fridge-full-of-coke-sweets.jpg
  3. The car was owned by his roommate. One guy is 20 and one is 18.
  4. I think only the Officer's name should be put into the media a d not the attacker's. Why give recognition to the bad guy and not the good guy?
  5. There have been attacks on the innocent public before. That is the comparison. The WHO. Not the how.
  6. Literally none of that has ever happened. They are going for public fear, not individual retribution.
  7. I'm not talking about the crasher and slasher anymore, lets talk about this hero http://nbc4i.com/2016/11/28/officer-who-stopped-osu-stabbing-attack-credited-as-hero/
  8. Campus is open, classes are canceled
  9. They refused to answer if anyone else was shot. Scanner had said the person who showed up at the WMC had a GSW
  10. There is some real hardwood out there that is clicklock (not engineered) http://superfastflooring.com/ Runs about $5 per sq ft
  11. 2 were shot, 9 total. 1 suspect dead, 2 others in custody.
  12. We were told that we are to continue to shelter in place at the Veterinary campus
  13. I already called him out on it quite a while ago, has to be trolling, or is just really really stupid.
  14. LJ

    Amazon Echo users?

    Id contact Amazon. Mine understands "Alexplaykidsmusic" by my 3 1/2 yr old from across the house.
  15. LJ

    Amazon Echo users?

    Like slower to wake? Or slower pulling up what you want? The way I understand it is that literally everything is done within the Amazon cloud. The device is nothing more than a hardware interface. Maybe check your Wi-Fi where you have the dot?
  16. LJ

    Amazon Echo users?

    The speaker is the main difference. The Dot is currently Gen2 so the Mic is upgraded but I am sure it will go to the echo soon.
  17. LJ

    Amazon Echo users?

    I just have my Google calender paired to it
  18. If you read Reddit with sane Bama fans, they all say that last year's team was way better and that while Bama is good, the SEC sucks this year. Lauren is just your typical bandwagon shit talker that doesn't really know a thing about x's and o's
  19. Its because the bottom teams are so bad there is no threat of knocking a team off if they make it through their few tough games. So the semi good teams can win those few games and win the conference.
  20. LJ

    Amazon Echo users?

    The dot2 microphone is more advanced than the echo. Its really cool. If you can hear it, it can hear you. I can control it throughout my whole first floor.
  21. LJ

    Amazon Echo users?

    Its really nice to not have anything extra on my countertop
  22. Why didn't you take the bet, pussy? You should be banned for 3 months. Then we wouldn't have to deal with your horrid trolling that isn't even halfway intelligent.
  23. Also, Ohio State is still the co-division champs with Penn State. Urban Meyer has won the division 5 times. He is also 5-0 against Michigan.
  24. You are so clueless its hilarious. I mean this is coming from a guy who "follows" a team that hasn't traveled north of the Mason Dixon in like 20 years.
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