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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Its obvious that Lauren just repeats the stupid shit they say. Such a bias announcing crew due to the contract
  3. Well their QB is a Purdue reject and their OC is a Michigan reject
  4. Oklahoma just sealed Ohio State's spot in the CFP. Top OOC win in the Nation
  5. I think Bama would need to lose big too
  6. Colorado's blowout loss ends Michigan's chance at a spot , barring major chaos
  7. lol. Kiffin is interviewing at Houston
  8. He and Wade are the 2 that I am not confident on until they come out and say they are 100% Ohio State
  9. LJ

    SAM is the MAN!

    Business wise. Some old lady posts in every concrete post to "avoid Demeter, I'm still waiting for my callback. I've called and sent letters. Nothing in response. Avaoid at all costs". She has been posting that for like 2 years.
  10. *Lauren furiously googles what that means*
  11. He is an early enrollee. He will be on campus next month
  12. LJ

    SAM is the MAN!

    Sam already had a great reputation around Pickerington. Well except for that crazy lady that shows up in every local facebook post complaining that Sam won't call her back.
  13. Rumor is that it's a Tim Beckman situation with mistreating players
  14. No, all land. The express permission for public lands is written in their rules and regs. Ohio regulates at the individual parcel level, either being private or public land. In other places they regulate by block or zone, and your license for that area will give you permission to hunt all public lands in that block or zone unless otherwise noted. So Ohio starts with no hunting unless you have permission, whereas a lot of other states start with hunting is allowed, unless you are told not to.
  15. WHOA. Indiana just fired Kevin Wilson http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2016/12/1/13809438/kevin-wilson-fired-indiana-head-coach
  16. He has young kids and they are pretty settled here. I could see him staying till they are older then jumping to an LB Coach role in the NFL with the aspirations of becoming a DC there.
  17. Ohio requires express permission to hunt land. AEP land even requires you to print off a document and keep with you proving your permission to hunt there.
  18. Was just agreeing. As in "WOW, have you seen the linebackers?"
  19. Have you seen our Linebackers? Fickell is probably the best linebacker coach in the country.
  20. You're gonna have a bad time if you hunt in a city park without express permission. You will get hit with hunting without permission at the minimum, plus any city codes they want to get you with.
  21. http://abcnews.go.com/US/osu-attack-suspect-identified-abdul-razak-ali-artan/story?id=43827435
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