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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Most white ales are brewed with citrus in mind. You could just be a homo and go for a Shandy
  2. And I bet you think the British drink "warm flat beer" don't you? lol
  3. The Germans would like to disagree with your :gay:
  4. Not really, there is no such thing as a 1080p broadcast
  5. There is one down the road from my farm in Cooperdale in Coshocton county
  6. Yeah, you just have to have the digital 4.0 subscribed. My bill is like $88/month with internet, DVR and all those HD's. I can get phone and Showtime for an extra $20/month, but eh
  7. I just counted 55 HD channels I get with Insight not including any premium movie channels
  8. Nobody is seeing the glaring problem staring them in the face. How much do you think this increased consumer debt? Let's say half of the people financed $7500 $1.2 Billion in new consumer debt
  9. Yes, you are. Don't take deer illegally.
  10. I have no sympathy for poachers and what happens to them.
  11. LJ

    Is it a trap?

    google says that Laurence is a French female name Laurence is an English masculine name and a French feminine name.
  12. I'm getting mine done in january. I'm getting "twilight" sedation because, honestly, I'm not comfortable with having to be on a breathing machine under GA.
  13. And don't think that the Ranger would sluff it off if I called. A friend of mine just got promoted to a District Supervisor Wildlife Officer for taking down a few guys who were shooting deer with .223 then sticking an arrow in the wound and taking them to check in. It was also the first restitution case. http://www.buckmasters.com/bm/Resources/Articles/tabid/135/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/705/Default.aspx
  14. Calling ranger now on your buddy shooting deer with rifle. DON'T SHOOT DEER ILLEGALLY YOU FUCKSTICKS!!!!!
  15. That's a pretty big concern IMO.
  16. The problem with it, and what most people don't realize, is that you most likely aren't going to drop a deer instantly with 1 shot from your bow, so the concern is, do you have permission to track onto your neighbors property?
  17. You don't pay attention much. It's definitely 1. OSU 2. Browns 3. Steelers 4. Bengals, more or less depending on how much they have won. What's annoying is you won't hear from Bengals fans for weeks at a time, they get a decent win, your facebook newsfeed is full of "Who Dey" then all of a sudden they lose and only 2 of those people post anything about the Bengals again until they win.
  18. I've lived in Ohio my whole life and have never seen a team have more fairweather fans than the Bengals. Most Buckeye fans just bitch about everything.
  19. The loss doesn't upset me, it's the fact that the Bengals bandwagon is back out in full force.
  20. LJ

    Needed - Dumpster

    Nice admission of theft of services.
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