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Everything posted by LJ

  1. 1 Student ticket in section 11C. Non-upgradeable (student ticket was bought off of is in vet school clinics and cannot get it upgraded before game) $60 OBO PM me or email lsteelesmith@gmail.com http://www.2-tickets.com/venues/OhioStadium_new.jpg
  2. He went to Virgina Tech.... Jesus Christ can't that University catch a break?
  3. HSUS and PETA get no seats on the Ohio Board. HSUS is not connected to actual humane societys in any way shape or form. It was necessary to make it constitutional to be able to block actual ballot initiatives. I know what you are going to say "But the rep who wrote the bill even said that HSUS can still make a ballot initiative". While that is true, it isn't the whole truth. All they can do is make a ballot initiative that alters the current constitutional amendment. In other words, all they could do is hack away at the board. The makes it much harder for them to pass ridiculous regulations while tricking the public. In other words, now for crazy rights activists groups like PETA and HSUS to get their dirty little hands in Ohio, they would have to convince the Ag industry here to eat itself from the inside.
  4. Because HSUS is deceptive in nature and will dupe people into voting for initiatives that kill farming in the state of Ohio. The results in Cali have been damn near catastrophic. HSUS goal is for the U.S. to be vegan in nature. Also, HSUS does not operate 1 shelter. The board is also good because it can bring real sensible regulation to the Ag industry in Ohio. Right now the laws are written and passed by the general assembly. in a nutshell.
  5. It's damn near impossible to argue with someone's political beliefs. All you can do is get them to understand the need for something.
  6. I called called a douche for calling someone out on illegally hunting deer, lolz
  7. That's not what I said at all. I'd prefer you not use the immature tactic of changing my words around. What I am saying is that it's painfully obvious that you actually had no clue about what Issue 2 actually does.
  8. There's nothing to contest. All you did was describe the type of ballot initiative that Issue 2 was designed to block.
  9. LOLZ!!! Jesus Christ.... I don't even know where to begin with this horribly wrong statement.
  10. Let's do it. Don't believe the bullshit propoganda paid for by HSUS.
  11. Bullshit. If you want to debate it we can.
  12. I can't believe that Licking Heights failed... freaking moron voters in the school district. With the current levy expiring, the new one was less money and would have had an net effect of a $30 savings per $100,000. But noooooo
  13. LJ


    Ariat boots 90% of the time
  14. LJ

    It's Voting Day!

    And after doing research, after passing the levy the net is a decrease of $30 per $100,000 on your property taxes.
  15. LJ

    It's Voting Day!

    No Yes Yes Yes to Licking Heights Schools
  16. LJ


    The one on E Broad better stay open
  17. LJ

    No more stang

    They sell Western Haulers with bags, and those are the ultimate tow trucks
  18. Softener salt is like $2.50 per 60 lbs. Plus, you can use it for traction if you get stuck. Hence the point of sand or salt
  19. Bags of sand or water softner salt. Probably the 2 best things to weigh down the truck bed
  20. I've only had a need for it once so far. I went to a wedding in Ada and didn't have any cell reception but the place where the wedding was and the hotel both had open wifi, so I just connected my phone to the wifi and made calls with google voice. Pretty cool.
  21. LJ

    Android peeps!

    The greatest thing about micro SD, I don't have to wait for the phone to sync with a computer, nor do I have to leave my phone tethered to a computer to access the data on it. Battery is always a big deal. After having an iPod fail, I will never own something again where a battery change costs $100.
  22. LJ

    Android peeps!

    2 reasons I will never buy an iPhone. No changeable battery No expandable memory
  23. Since I started watching it at 11am, they have had 2 netbooks and a whole bunch of crap
  24. I'm a 20-23 shooter in skeet when I'm just dicking around. Without even seeing what you were doing, you need to hold the gun much tighter to your shoulder and absolutely bury your cheek.
  25. You guys are pansies.... When I was shooting Sporting Clays competitively I would shoot about 1,000 rounds per week. On non-scored open shoots I would probably shoot about 300 rounds... All 12 guage, and I was 15
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