If you knew anything about consumption you would know that the prices are artificially low due to an overwhelming supply in relation to the demand, and with Columbus being a very fast growing service based industry, the market will correct itself and real estate will be priced at or above the actual value. With interest rates being low, right now is a great time to purchase property. In reality in most cases, property is so under priced due a the overwhelming supply and stagnant market in Columbus, it would be hard to get hurt on a medium length property purchase (7-10 years).
And yes, based on your opinion, you bascially know what is going on across the country and not Columbus. The rest of the country, specifically the east and west coasts, with some of the southwest tossed in there, is experiencing the burst of a housing bubble. Which if you read my earlier posts, Columbus did not experience. We never saw a rapid non sustainable change in prices. We had something different, a mortgage bubble. With the defaults and the massive supply of houses, there is such an overwhelming supply, that prices of all the houses in the area are low so that they will move on the saturated market.
Now, in other parts of the country, where it is bad to buy right now, they had this massive increase in prices over the past 10 years or so that was artificially created by the hysteria of wanting to live there, forces that can't be controlled by the consumer, etc. People were gobbling up houses for $900,000 when in reality they are worth $500,000. Then with the defaults of the mortgages, then is creating more supply on the market than these areas are used to, lowering their prices once again. Now yes, these areas may never see those types of prices again, but that is because the prices were bogus. Columbus is not in that boat.