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Everything posted by LJ

  1. Then get a 10 year interest only with no balloon payment and no prepay penalty. Then put $100/month towards principal over your payment. That would put you at $504@ 6.5%
  2. He was just being a good quarterback, looking for an open receiver.. anyways, soliciting won't even get him more than a small fine and a misdemenor on his record. The players who got DUIs committed worse crimes in the eyes of the law. You wonder why he would do that, go looking for a hooker.. Well think about how many times football players hook up with girls at school then they claim rape, etc.
  3. Once again, borrowing such a small amount at 30 years does not benefit you. On a 15 yr mortgage your payment is 674/month compared to 474 at 30 years plus after 5 years with a 15 yr you have almost 20k of extra equity in the home
  4. Your tax and PMI is not part of your investment on your house. Do not say that you were going to pay 400k on your loan because that is incorrect. Your loan was going to cost 312k
  5. 170k a loan that small needs a 15 yr mortgage. You are paying half and half in your 5th year on a 15 yr mortgage on one that small. You are paying half and half in your 20th year on a 30 year mortgage of that size
  6. 8.5 nets 401k in 30 years.... plain stupidity
  7. You didn't put enough money down, saturated market, bad rate, etc etc etc jesus, 100% financing at 8% gets 383,000
  8. LJ

    Fuckin' Bengals

    So in otherwords... them playing like a shitty team is causing them to lose? riveting thoughts, tell me more
  9. Bump... Have a lot of Realtors going through the unit lately. I went in yesterday to make sure everything was ok and had a pile of cards on the counter.
  10. 4 year degrees aren't worth as much as they used to be. That is one reason why socialized college would be the downfall of this country
  11. Not so much anymore, that is why the United States is turning to a service based industry and we have such things as the "Rust Belt" etc (among many other factors) The days of the 100k factory worker are all but over
  12. Or you can be smart, close at the end of a year, get all closing costs and pre-paids paid by the seller, put that property tax and insurance money in a high yield savings account and beginning the next year start paying it in cash by half. Too bad more people aren't disciplined enough to do that.... lol
  13. I will wager you that in the next 5 years that prices in Columbus rebound HARD and people will be sitting on assloads of equity. Hell, a portion of my income already is wagered on it! You may have a few years on me in life, but I have been around real estate for a long time. I made my first real estate investment decision back in 1998 when i was 13, yes, 13, and have never looked back. I have been studying the markets for a LONG time. Columbus is nothing more than a surplus.
  14. I bought a house for $25,000 under list. Got it bank appraised last week because I was getting a HELOC to pay off some small CC debt from college, appraised $20,000 over what I paid, plus the huge downpayment I already had in it. I already have equity out the ass and I haven't been here a month. Now there is no way in hell i could sell this house for what it is worth without it sitting forever, but when I am ready to move, I am not going to lose anything on it.
  15. Yes, but at the same time, they get that 50 yr mortgage on a house they paid $300,000 too much for and can't sell it for dog shit now. Like I said, the bubble refers to a different portion of the country than Columbus.
  16. I read your whole post, no need to quote it all.. Anyways, that is the problem. People are treating a home purchase like a high yield investment, which it is not. It is a tax shelter, and it is a safe place for your money. When you do the math, if you can budget correctly and spend the right amount on a house, you come out ahead of renting. You don't pay capital gains, etc. Anyways, people who think right now is a bad time to buy in Columbus are just 100% wrong
  17. If you knew anything about consumption you would know that the prices are artificially low due to an overwhelming supply in relation to the demand, and with Columbus being a very fast growing service based industry, the market will correct itself and real estate will be priced at or above the actual value. With interest rates being low, right now is a great time to purchase property. In reality in most cases, property is so under priced due a the overwhelming supply and stagnant market in Columbus, it would be hard to get hurt on a medium length property purchase (7-10 years). And yes, based on your opinion, you bascially know what is going on across the country and not Columbus. The rest of the country, specifically the east and west coasts, with some of the southwest tossed in there, is experiencing the burst of a housing bubble. Which if you read my earlier posts, Columbus did not experience. We never saw a rapid non sustainable change in prices. We had something different, a mortgage bubble. With the defaults and the massive supply of houses, there is such an overwhelming supply, that prices of all the houses in the area are low so that they will move on the saturated market. Now, in other parts of the country, where it is bad to buy right now, they had this massive increase in prices over the past 10 years or so that was artificially created by the hysteria of wanting to live there, forces that can't be controlled by the consumer, etc. People were gobbling up houses for $900,000 when in reality they are worth $500,000. Then with the defaults of the mortgages, then is creating more supply on the market than these areas are used to, lowering their prices once again. Now yes, these areas may never see those types of prices again, but that is because the prices were bogus. Columbus is not in that boat.
  18. You are so far off from reality of the market I have no idea where to start, so I am not even going to touch this
  19. Nice gun I need to get pics of my new SigSauer up
  20. I think it's funny that people believe in the promise that he would do away with these gov't agencies, yet effectively eliminating thousands of jobs and hurting the economy more than anything... but that is beside the point. I usually don't talk about Ron Paul issues much
  21. Don't even get me started on your Ron Paul sig
  22. LJ

    Fuckin' Bengals

    And they play the Pats next monday night, ouch
  23. LJ

    Fuckin' Bengals

    See, the Steelers play this portion of the game called Defense, I don't think they will have a problem
  24. LJ

    Fuckin' Bengals

    The Steelers already beat the Browns and the put 32 on the 49's who have the billion dollar defense
  25. LJ

    Fuckin' Bengals

    Steelers >* 3 dominating wins so far this season
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