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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ

    Screw You, Marc!

    Yeah, well, at least the Steelers have won an NFL championship....EVER!
  2. You need to contact the city, county or township Then you turn them into the IRS for unpaid taxes
  3. The bigger question is "why?" did they do something to you?
  4. Don't escrow your insurance. Get your seller to pay your closing costs and 1 year of your insurance is paid at closing as a prepaid Plus if you buy a house and close before the end of the year you will get the prorated property taxes paid to you
  5. LJ

    Bengals fans

    It was a horrid call
  6. LJ

    WTB- a cheap TV

    too big and not cheap enough... anyone else?
  7. no Mustang II = failure of a list
  8. Maybe you should take a look at the 2 deep roster
  9. Yeah, OSU is just chillin, turning the ball over 5 times in a game
  10. LJ

    WTB- a cheap TV

    I want a tv for the garage, 20-25", doesn't need any special hookups, just cable ready. Don't care if it has a remote. The closer to $0 the better more or less I am just looking for a junk tv that still works fine
  11. Santonio Holmes WILL be the best receiver in the North this year
  12. on my mortgage it is interest only for 10 years, but i pay the normal mortgage price every month to pay down some principle, i have the interest only because if things are ever tight all I have to do is pay the much lower interest payment, plus the interest amount goes down every month, it's pretty cool. But where I am headed with this is that I always make an extra payment for the principle amount separate because they may take it as an extra payment rather than a principle payment
  13. that was pretty funny
  14. After he was already arrested, which is violating nothing He was innocent until he refused to comply Then you obviously don't understand law enforcement That is completely different, then he would have said that he didn't have an ID on him, rather than refusing to comply with the officer
  15. He is not innocent, all the cop did was ask him to verify his identity with a form of gov't issued ID, the guy refused, he obstructed justice. If he was innocent he should have complied with the officer. There was no search and seizure, everything was fine with the cop till the guy turned into a whiny, immature moron and refused to comply with the officer
  16. Cal jumping OSU, yes Louisville, eh in the AP, Georgia, no
  17. The obstruction charge may actually hold up in court no matter what the guy's lawyer says. The cop wanted a form of ID so the guy could prove he was who he says he was. He did not comply, therefore he was obstructing. The cop was an ass, yes, but the guy was wrong
  18. do you still have your appendix?
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