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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ

    should i be offended?

    How about my foot in your fucking ass?
  2. LJ

    How bout them Colts?

    Bears don't run a 3-4 defense, should be a good game... If the Bears ran a 3-4 defense, I would without a doubt pick the Bears, Manning has MAJOR issues with a 3-4 but, it is going to be a push for me at this point http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tampa_2 This is the defense that Chicago runs... if the Colt's line holds up, look for a LONG day for the Bears
  3. LJ

    should i be offended?

    are unsolicited trade offers like junk mail?
  4. Ohio is a retreat state unlike Florida which is a Stand Your Ground state http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stand-your-ground_law
  5. trap is different than sporting clays.... I can go out and shoot a 24 or a 25 in trap, but only hit 35 out of 50 on sporting clays
  6. so you are saying that if someone isn't first, that they have last?
  7. we shoot 25 in trap.... I'm that guy that gets a 24 every round and misses that last shot
  8. yeah that "sniper rifle" was freaking sweet
  9. Unless they shoot regularly or have been decent in the past, I doubt there are many people on this site that could break 30/50 on the sporting clays course I shoot on... My high score is 42, highest on the current course by anyone (including professional sporting clays shooters) is 45... but yes, how long you have been shooting has a lot to do with how good you are
  10. I would be down for that, but I would probably be coming home with your money.... I've been shooting trap and sporting clays weekly since I was 13
  11. LJ

    good frame place?

    You never ask me these things first do you....
  12. Noobs don't welcome Noobs.... r-tard
  13. LJ

    OSU Sucked!

    Wrong, Florida was able to put their +1 DB on Gonzo with Nelson playing center field on him with no one able to stretch the field. Nelson is even quoted as saying that the teams goal was to stop Ginn, when he came out ,they changed their defense. Gonzo is a very good receiver
  14. LJ

    OSU Sucked!

    Actually, the only thing close to a screen they ran was that delayed fake option pitch to Beanie... that got around 8 yards... the running game was working, and I don't know why they kept going away from it
  15. LJ

    OSU Sucked!

    You obviously don;t know anything about football if you are questioning what I said about running screens and flats passes, it is known coaching strategy that when you have an aggressive defense that is getting through the line, you run screens and passes to the flats, that is because the defense is sucked into the backfield, then the ball is dumped off to the back for a nice gain... Remember what UM did to OSU in 2003 with chris perry? OSU had a very aggressive blitzing defense and Perry just ate OSU up with screens and passes in the flat... And there was not someone there to break it up every time, I think you are thinking of anytime that TS held on to the ball for more than 3 seconds, which is another thing that running screens helps with... Some draws would have been really good calls too
  16. LJ

    OSU Sucked!

    See, people keep saying this, and I have to ask... do you know much about football? With Ginn in the game he draws a double team with the safety over the top and a corner manned up. When this happens, it leaves the middle of the field open for guys like Gonzo and Hartline to get open. Without Ginn taking up the safety support, the safety could sit in the middle of the field and shut down any chance of a short passing game that OSU may have had. Also, Ginn would have been able to provide bubble screens and such neutralizing the UF rush... My question is, why didn't they start running the screen or the dump pass in the flats to a RB more? that would have helped in neutralizing the rush
  17. LJ

    OSU Sucked!

  18. LJ

    OSU Sucked!

    acting just like their fans
  19. LJ

    OSU Sucked!

    I am ashamed.... that was...absolutely terrible... reminded me of John Cooper
  20. Actually the original parts of NO (French Quarter) are built on the high land, and are perfectly fine. The other parts that were majorly affected were the low lying areas that were originally intended to by farm land by the original city planners
  21. LJ

    Campus Housing

    You do realize that this is common practice right?
  22. that is only on wed's....
  23. I don't care what you think of the president, I don't care what you think of the war, but when you come to this country, you better obey the laws, or just GTFO, what makes you special over a natural born citizen?
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