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Everything posted by LJ

  1. well, I can't even get out of my parking spot
  2. Otterbein is closed until noon tomorrow
  3. anyone been on the roads lately? There is something I want to go to in Westerville, but dont wanna get out on the roads and them be too shitty
  4. I hate this FWD car, I will never own one again. As soon as I graduate I am going to get a nice 4x4 trailblazer or something
  5. in white out conditions it would be hard to tell. If you down shift just put slight pressure on teh brake peddle to light up your brake lights
  6. even worse, it was already on fire
  7. I miss my Silverado... damn gas prices and damn me being a poor student
  8. Otterbein is closed at 1 and all morning absences for commuters are excused by the college
  9. Does being a full time student count?
  10. LJ

    New whip

    like $31 after tax and you can pick them up at their warehouse in powell
  11. I will email you a quote tomorrow. He charges a little bit more than beer (gotta at least cover paint expenses) but he is much cheaper than someone who is affiliated with a shop
  12. F, but will be hopefully D by the end of summer
  13. LJ

    New whip

    New coil packs honestly means nothing. They blow randomly. They are not a wear and tear item that needs to be changed every so many miles, they just randomly go. You could put a brand new one in and have it blow 5 days later, leaving you stranded. Order a few from pap parts and keep 1 or 2 in your trunk
  14. If you want some custom airbrushed graphics my cousin could do it for you. He has done graphics on probably 50 bikes over the years. He does freelance and isn't affiliated with a shop, so he can only do parts at a time. He got into CCAD off of his airbrushing portfolio alone, which is absolutely unheard of. I am sure I can get you some pics if you want. He is very reasonably priced because he is a student, so he just does it for beer money.
  15. I think Capital just cancelled sporting events tonight
  16. The local schools if anything, are only on a delay right now, so I doubt the colleges will call off any classes
  17. look it up, salt raises the boiling point of water. That is why you put salt in water, not to make it boil faster, but to boil hotter to cook faster
  18. Actually salt makes water boil at a higher temp
  19. LOL, this was just posted on another forum I am on
  20. lol, people were creeping down harlem road with their flashers on
  21. Plus, didn't they bring down a building or two on purpose after the towers collapsed just to make sure they weren't going to keep coming down?
  22. Funny thing is, the country schools with no walkers closed first
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