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Everything posted by LJ

  1. I honestly think the ORC is the closest thing to the city ordinance # they could find and ran with it.
  2. I spent like 30 seconds on it. Thats how stupid of a mistake it is. There is no reason that we shouldn't hold any and all media accountable for what they report
  3. I am having some confusion as to where 2921.331 is coming from. He was charged with city Ord 2131.13 http://www.fcmcclerk.com/localrules/pdf/Rule13Sched05_04.pdf which is ORC 4511.38 Rules for starting and backing vehicles. https://www.municode.com/library/oh/columbus/codes/code_of_ordinances?se... It's City of Columbus vs Him. They charged him under City codes, which 2131.13(A) is just a 2 point moving violation, which ties to the ORC I posted. They posted an ORC that ties to 6 points and is an M1 at minimum and very easily a felony. The ORC posted has nothing to do with his case. Just wanted to bring it up because this article is being shared around the internet and the ORC in the article is a very very different violation than he was cited for. The OVI portion is the same. Case No. 2015 TR C 183137 http://www.fcmcclerk.com/case/rs/case.php
  4. 11W is really disappointing me this week. Multiple times they have cited an ORC for Fleeing and Evading when JT was charged with a ordinance that falls under Starting and Backing. The fleeing and evading is an M1 and VERY easily can be bumped to a felony. I have messaged them with links to everything and even posted publicly today. They are still reporting the same charge and many national media outlets are quoting them. Sad
  5. Some good news. Damon Webb has been reinstated
  6. It's actual legal precedent in Ohio that they can only pull you over for a traffic violation. They cannot pull you over for avoiding a checkpoint. It is not illegal to avoid it. They pulled him over for "backing without safety".
  7. Don't call it an escape attempt. His intent was absolutely legal.
  8. Again it doesnt matter. You dont get an ovi for being 20 and blowing a.06 its an entirely different charge. He got an OVI because he blew over .08
  9. 1. Make mistake 2. Own mistake 3. Learn/understand what happened 4. Get past and don't repeat -The essence of personal development and life — Maurice Clarett (@ReeseClarett13) October 31, 2015
  10. #1 it's .02 #2 his age has nothing to do with it, he was over .08
  11. JT Barrett will have to pay for his spring semester on his own. Braxton Miller will be #2 QB this week May also be redzone QB Edit- Current semester, not sure how that works
  12. Update on the vehicle, 2003 Chevy Trailblazer with Tx tags. We must have some broke ass boosters.
  13. Yeah, but the NCAA considers them STUDENT athletes, so in reality, they should be treated as any other student on scholarship until the NCAA takes their heads out of their asses.
  14. Official report says he was driving a vehicle with Texas plates. Morons who started the rumor probably didn't know JT is from Texas.
  15. There is finally a reasonable top comment on reddit But then another thread just shows that no matter the punishment, people won't be appeased. In another thread about an NCSU player getting a DUI Kicking young adult out of school for a semester over a DUI is reasonable? Since when?
  16. LJ


    No, they will go after the cash received for the sale
  17. Im sick of people railing OSU coaches and admin for giving JT the standard punishment for his crime.
  18. Jerry Kill just retired over health reasons
  19. Haha a Liberty. Luckily his ticket is one that really doesn't have a defense in Ohio without hard proof. He was cited for Failure to Yield on a Left. We were going through the intersection and he started to turn left in front of us, I laid on the horn and swerved and he glanced off the driver's side of the car. Had my 2 year old and pregnant wife in the car. My wife overheard the dad yelling at the kid for "talking to the cops", then started talking about how a lady had stopped and told them that I was travelling at a high rate of speed, laying on my horn before the intersection, yet she wasnt still there. Then he began to argue that my damage didnt match up with my story, so I MUST have ran the red going the opposite way. Cop just looked at him like "uh wat". The cop then wrote the report and drew the diagram that matched my story exactly.
  20. The kid who hit my wife and I a few weekends ago never spoke to us, but he dad showed up and claimed we ran the red light and that the damage obviously didnt match up to our story, the cop just looked at him like he was crazy. I went through my insurance and did subrogation, because I would rather have everything covered, and if it comes down to it, they can fight it out.
  21. Shit they scored on the 3rd 4th and 5th strings
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