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Everything posted by LJ

  1. It was expected. A lot of Redshirt Juniors. Bosa and Zeke are the only true Juniors. Cardale has been out of HS for 5 years
  2. Nigel Warrior hasn't committed anywhere, but eliminated Ohio State from his final choices. Down to Tenn, UGA, Bama, LSU
  3. Depends on the profession. If you are a developer for a national company it can be more broad. On the other hand, my wife is a Veterinarian and her Non-Compete will only hold for small geographic areas unless she was specialized. I would assume a dance teacher would be the same.
  4. I expect this to be a trend aroubd CFB. With concussion issues and injury issues mounting up, these players are going to begin jumping earlier and earlier.
  5. Oregon is the most overrated program. Well they may be 2nd to Notre Dame
  6. I have no opinion on how he will do in the NFL until I see his running and weight numbers from the combine. If he is in the range of the strong safeties and weighs about 220 i think he will make it as an SS in the league. If he weighs in around 235 and runs like he looks, he will make it as an ILB in a 3-4 ala Shazier. If he weighs in theblow 220's and runs like a LB he will flame out fast.
  7. I'd say you owe him the face value of those memorial tickets you screwed him on.
  8. You should deduct the price of Tilley's memorial tickets from what you owe Jive and send the money to Tilley
  9. Hackenberg getting x rays on his shoulder
  10. Someone posted on 11W that they read inside info that Beck is being fired, Zach Smith is resigning due to personal issues, and that Hinton is being forced into retirement. The Beck one is the only one I could see being anywhere near 50% chance of happening. I think Hinton is least likely and Smith is totally unknown
  11. There is no defenseless player spec to 9-1-3. Its crown of helmet, period
  12. Not a penalty in HS or the NFL. Its a bad rule. They dont even enforce it all that well. RBs should be called for it constantly.
  13. If theu are gonna call the defender for doing that that need to start calling it on ball carriers. Period
  14. Not really. If he was looking an inch higher it was a clean hit.
  15. Criminal to rob Bosa of his last game as a Buckeye for that
  16. You forgot "I had no chance at getting into Notre Dame" "Ive never been to South Bend" "Yeah Im Catholic"
  17. The bowl game times have been set long before the matchups were
  18. He snuck out of the hotel after curfew room check, what a dumb ass
  19. Bathe in Cayenne Pepper Sauce. They hate it
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