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Everything posted by LJ

  1. LJ

    NFL Thread

    As a non reviewable play, if the hand is in the facemask area and the head turns, the ref is most likely throwing the flag. Happens multiple times per week across the NCAA and NFL. Not a call worth complaining about
  2. Lol i keep getting downvoted on reddit for pointing out the errors to the argument "the committee showed last year that wimming the conference is a huge resume boost". Ohio State beat the spread by 63 points. You absolutely cannot make that basic assumption just based off of OSU last year
  3. No. The report was written by some kids who has articles with bad info all the time
  4. I think OSU gets in with an MSU pummeling of Iowa, close Clemson loss to UNC, and a close game between Stanford and USC. Honestly I think the MSU loss is so recent that an absolute dismanteling of Iowa will help OSU.
  5. I use Whempy's every other year and have never had them call
  6. No its not. Bowl practice is exactly the same as in season practice.
  7. Chris Ash dropped out of Cuse coaching search Durkin and his dumbfounded smirk are headed to Maryland
  8. I dont know that they will move UNC to #4. UNC played 2 FCS teams this season and them being ranked #10 shows the committee is punishing them for that.
  9. http://gifsec.com/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/05/Dumbfounded-gif.gif
  10. Loser doesnt automatically get the Rose Bowl. Rose Bowl confirmed it is taking highest CFP ranked B1G team if winner is in top 4.
  11. I wonder if he goes after the BGSU OC in Lewis I believe is his name
  12. Lol! Such a t shirt fan as always. Cupoboard will be nowhere near emptied. It was supposed to be the year with this team due to experience, not due to a lack of talent behind them. If you watch the Zeke interview there is NO animosity. A lot of those quotes were fed to him by the reporters.
  13. I dont know that MSU would make the playoffs. If they dont, osu wins out and goes to a random bowl. If MSU does get into the playoff, the rose bow can select OSU or Iowa.
  14. Urban said he was NOT content with the play calling
  15. Hmmm I have no idea what to call here. No idea what msu is doing on defense. Screw it JT run and lets see what happens
  16. Your inaccurate assumptions of me are so far off base it is hilarious. Your attempts at labeling me something other than what I am are asinine at best. There is no point in even discussing anything with someone who is as far off base as you. I guess I can just be an arrogant know-it-all for calling you on your bullshit. As for the Tim Wolfe thing, no, that demand is never okay. I know the whole situation, and don't read any "conservative" news sources, listen to any, or watch any. I actually get a lot of my news from NPR.
  17. I am gonna try to nab a $35 Fire and a $125 32" Roku tv on Amazon
  18. Or if you are a moderate like me you get to sit back and watch the crazies and butthurt from both sides. Typically these type of accusations come from people who agree with these protesters. Social Justice Warrior is used to describe anyone who takes a social justice ideal to the extreme. Real world example from the Missouri football team "In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white privilege". The people who label anyone who uses this phrase as "bigots, misogynists, facists, tea party members (I know that's being a little redundant), etc." are typically the ones who agree with the extreme ideals of these people. So first you want to argue that these people don't actually exist, but then you acknowledge they do, but want to laugh because many are college students. Look I was a arrogant and know it all as you when I was 22, but I grew up. Maybe you will someday and realize that your viewpoint usually won't be the correct one. Reality is, it's almost always something in the middle. I say you see these extreme liberals in Brooklyn. You claim that no no, people that live in Brooklyn are from the midwest, dress a certain way, but are definitely libertarian. Reality- Brooklyn is an extremely progressive borough and has a lot of diversity. Their progressiveness attracts all type, including the elusive social justice warrior that you claim doesn't exist, but wait they do exist.
  19. Actually I dont think that at all. They are the people who are stuck up their own asses. I'm not worried about them taking my guns, or liberties, or etc. It's just hilarious that you think they don't exist. I mean, there have been whole major protests and sit ins on college campuses recently over the same stupid safe space bullshit. People ARE that crazy. Do I think they have any real ability to change anything? Not really, because most see them as the immature crazies that they are. Honestly, if there is anyone on here that falls under or for any stereotype, it would be you and your "Iamverysmart" bullshit. Take your head out of YOUR ass, and maybe you can see the actual world around you. It's full of idiots that are of every type of race, religion or political affiliation.
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