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Everything posted by kshymkiw83

  1. Is it sign unseen? Or does the Storage unit doing the auction know what is in there? Do they rummage through all the boxes or do they just open the unit do a quick inventory and list that? i see some of them listed have specific items, but I see a lot of "containers" and "boxes"
  2. Has anyone ever purchased a Storage Facility contents at Auction? I just picked up a copy of the CMC Paper, and on the back page they have about 4 dozen listings for Storage Facility Auctions (The garages you can rent per month). Has anyone on here ever went to one of these auctions and won it? If so what is the average going price? Is everything sight un-seen (i.e. no one knows what is inside)? i have heard stories of people buying a 60 dollar storage unit, and finding antiques worth hundreds of dollars in these, which I assume isn't that common at all. I assume more than likely you will get junk, but it could be fun for the potential, to maybe score a nice find in one of these. Any help or input is greatly appreciated.
  3. CBT Nugget is a good way to go. If you can, you may want to take the CCNA Bootcamp, if they offer re-imbursement. Also the CCNA has been split up into 2 tests now.
  4. Along those lines. My wife has a VERY specialized doctor, like one of 10 in the US who does what he does. He brings people in from all over the world, literally. We were there in Janruary, and there were at least 13 diffrent countries being represented in his office, with patients. I have to ask myself, how she will be treated. She took on an elective, but necessary surgery. He charges upwards of 100k per Surgery. I have a sinking feeling that if he is forced into this, he will go somewhere else, where he can make his money. If he does it is really going to suck.
  5. Personally I applaud the States signing onto this, like Idaho. Social Healthcare only benefits the freeloaders.
  6. Just expect more of this: http://www.azdailysun.com/news/national/govt-and-politics/article_1742b9b9-082d-5c50-be1e-54b50543ae7a.html
  7. This is my next argument. It is easier to get Fiber to everyone, if the Gov't offsets the cost. The problem with letting the Gov't offset the cost, is nothing is free. The Gov't wants their piece of the pie somehow. You could always go live in one of those other countries, and enjoy the 45-75% overall tax you are paying, per month. I honestly fear that is what this country will end up like.
  8. Maybe I missed it, but I heard him say "The Provisions in Louisiana", not the anything about the Louisiana Purchase. While I don't like the guy, this is the kind of stuff that makes conservatives look like idiots. No where in that 20 second excerpt of a 10 minute interview, did he say anything about the Louisiana Purchase.
  9. http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1597220/mac-os-x-zero-day-flaws
  10. There is a huge difference between wiring Korea, where the avereage person has a 500sq ft apartment in the city, and wiring all of a Suburban Neighborhood, where there is a good distance between houses.
  11. haha. wish I could. we only have certain CMTS's capable of D3 right now, and certain areas in Columbus have the 2 extra channels free. 3 Channels Bonded on the Downstream = fun.
  12. Yea, 16 Mbps isn't bad. Though the advantage of testing the Docsis3.0 Rollout allows me to have a nice chunk of Bandwidth.
  13. I agree there. Usenet and Bit Torrent would be about the only ways you could ever use so much Bandwidth. I have a hard time using my 100Mb service at home. Most of the time w/ 20 Concurrent connections to Giganews, I can only get 40-50 Mbps.
  14. Yes, the product is bad. It is bad due to the fact the wanted to use Twisted Pair into the house, instead of Fiber into the house, ala Verizon FIoS. So broken down, ATT U-Verse offers you ~25 Mbps (correct me if I'm Wrong) total bandwidth to your house. Every SD Channel you watch is between 500k and 2 Mbps. Every HD Channel you watch is 3 Mbps to 6 Mbps (this is where there 4 concurrent HD Channels per home comes into play) Phone Calls are next to nothing Then you have internet. So lets say you are watching HD Sports at 5 Mbps, your Significant Other is watching an HD program at 5 Mbps, and your kid is watching an HD Program at 5 Mbps. You tied up 15 Mb or your 25Mb for your home. So now you want to DL some Porn on the internet, and you signed up for their 18 Mbps package. Your ass isn't going to get more than 10Mbps, because you, your wife, and your kid are watching TV. ATT did the right thing by going to all IP Services for their product, but they used the wrong Transport Medium to the home. VDSL just isn't the way to go.
  15. except for most stuff on the net can't support anything close to that.
  16. They do have good burgers. I used to live within walking distance to Johnnies, and it was always a good place to go eat.
  17. That isn't in Dublin. It is closer to Hilliard than Dublin
  18. ATT lost an entire POP in Dayton Yesterday. Could be some left over issues from that fiasco.
  19. That is from my test modem in my office Here is my house: http://www.speedtest.net/result/741730118.png
  20. TW: http://www.speedtest.net/result/741619371.png When is WOW Deploying DOCSIS 3.0?
  21. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/beatkid4.jpg
  22. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/its-my-health-its-my-choice-danny-williams-says/article1477872/ Good Doctors don't practice for minimal money. People come to the US to receive Haealthcare for a Reason.
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