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Everything posted by kshymkiw83

  1. Capitol Core or G-Cor Automotive are both good places to go.
  2. I guess this is a different kind. Seen this guy up at Lake Erie a couple times. http://www.custommarinesales.com/classifieds/files/110.jpg http://www.custommarinesales.com/classifieds/files/110_1.jpg http://www.custommarinesales.com/classifieds/files/110_2.jpg http://www.custommarinesales.com/classifieds/files/110_6.jpg Twin 1,450HP Jet Turbines. Thing is 46' and makes 3,000-3,600 HP. Here is a link to the build; http://www.turbinemarine.com/project_hellfire.html Who here is going to get one of these? They also sell 1,850HP Jet Turbine's. They are all Millitary Surplus Turbine's.
  3. Doubt it. No one really wants to brag about killing people. The BBC usually shows the otucome of something, not really this type of article, which is more of a bragging article.
  4. Why is that? Most other news outlets, wouldn't run a story like this.
  5. Well, it is quite a long shot, that is for sure. And what is really lacking, is the angle he was shooting at, I am assuming high to low.
  6. Link that says it is bs? Based off what is in the story here, it seems perfectly logical
  7. Sniper kills Qaeda-from 1½ mi. away http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/sniper_kills_qaeda_from_mi_away_sTm0xFUmJNal3HgWlmEgRL Pretty fucking badass
  8. Mystro is a piece of shit, your right. We had a solution we paid for (Passport), and we went to a homegrown solution (Mystro). It will be getting better, sooner rather than later, because of how much a colossal fuck up it was.
  9. What is wrong with your internet? That piece I can fix and look at....the Bill no idea. TWC's Billing cycle has always been fucked up. You get your bill after it's due...which makes no sense.
  10. What is your Issue. If you don't want to thread jack, then PM me
  11. Even the Kenyan Parliament said he was a native born Kenyan: http://www.bunge.go.ke/parliament/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=24&Itemid= We must be the only suckers. *edit* if you go to the bunge.go.ke site and try to find this document, they have removed it from their general site: http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m161/kshymkiw/ObamaKenyaFAKE.png As you can see the name of the file is "RDRAFT25_03P" You will see there is a AM and PM Copy for every other day EXCEPT 03/25/10. The purposely removed it.
  12. No just proof he wasn't http://americangrandjury.org/article_photos/lucas_3.jpg
  13. http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/news/politics/state_politics/house-oks-birther-bill-4-19-2010 Very interesting
  14. I fail at reading and thinking at 9 in the morning.
  15. Any Experience? TWC is looking for some phone people for Commercial Support stuff. pay is 15-20/hr.
  16. Well, considering most people don't know the intrinsic value of Silver, I would agree with you. A coin under a non "Shit has hit the fan" system is only worth the face value of the coin. Once the US gov't Hyperinflates the US Dollar, that all changes. Once Hyperinflation begins, Gold/Silver rule all, and at the rate we are printing new US Dollars to make up for our piss poor spending habits, I (who am 26) has a good chance of seeing Hyperinflation actually occur. Then we can be like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ubJp6rmUYM
  17. Collectibles i.e American Gold Eagles or American Silver Eagles are taxed at a different rate, under the Capital Gains Tax. Now, when dealing with Coins and Boullion, most people never declare they have them in posession, because you could hypothetically hide them very easy, and play dumb. Although, if you do go through the process of declaring them, I don't know why you would... The Tax Break down is something like this: Short-term capital gains (STCG) One year or less holding time = Ordinary income tax rates up to 35% Long-term capital gains (LTCG) More than one year holding time = 5% for taxpayers in the 10% and 15% tax brackets (zero percent starting in 2008) 15% for taxpayers in the 25%, 28%, 33%, and 35% tax brackets Collectibles One year or less holding time*= STCG tax rates up to 35% Collectibles More than one year holding time = 28% As a person who thinks like you and also has some Silver, Gold, and Paladium Coins/Bars/Boullion my best bet would be, don't draw so much attention to yourself. If you want to avoid having to pay the 28-35% tax rate on these things, make smaller transactions, or break up your transaction into chunks, so it doesn't look so large. Either way, avoid letting Big Brother know that your dealing goods/services for gold. They don't like that.
  18. Thanks. Listening now That was an interesting article. Good listen though for sure. Seems that it really is hit or miss. May be worth going to a few just to get a feel for how things go, before I actually try to buy one
  19. No, but potential =) I honestly expect to pay 60 bucks and get nothing out of it. But, hey I guess anything could happen
  20. I see some of them have cars, and boats in them... Wonder if you could really walk out with a car or boat for 200-500 bucks at one of these.
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