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Everything posted by Alex1647545498

  1. She wouldn't last in our place.
  2. That thing is going to be sick. graemlins/thumb.gif
  3. That sux man. Hopefully someone knows this guy and lets you know.
  4. I remind myself I have to change my oil soon at the 4k mile mark.
  5. Alex1647545498


    Man, that would make a nice meal. graemlins/thumb.gif
  6. Too bad I decided to keep my 2 I guess. It should be a nice daily for someone though. graemlins/thumb.gif
  7. Alex1647545498

    SAVE Toby!

    <font size="]" target="_blank">http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5559938963[/QB] Wow...
  8. My wife quit cold turkey. I don't think I can though.
  9. Happy b-day yo! graemlins/thumb.gif Stay off the crack!
  10. Ask and you shall recieve. http://www.selfhelpmagazine.com/qa/qaatd/qaatd3.html
  11. I had a 99 V6 and I never had any problems with it. I sold it to a friend and now it's got over 110k miles and still going strong. My friend doesn't take good care of her though. But she's still doing good either way.
  12. I'm not understanding your description. But if it's jamming up I'd try greasing the track/wheel first.
  13. You didn't see it leaving bw3's when we left?
  14. Wow, (-)? You won't have to pay again for the rest of your life!!!
  15. Yup, looked at retail value. I've also looked around autotrader for the MARKET value to make sure my asking price is not off. I'm sure you can look on there to confirm too. I searched within 75 miles of 43068 for 2003 Lancers and the cheapest one has 45,288 miles priced at $9,895 it's 25 miles away. Am I off? [ 27. February 2005, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Mr. 2 ]
  16. I've never seen the show before. It's pretty cool. Anymore episodes available anywhere?
  17. Damn, I would have went to bw3's but I started playing gt4 and didn't see it till it's too late.
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