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Everything posted by supldys

  1. Yeah i forgot how much of a sarcastic ass he is. He was one of my favorites for that reason, but pretty dang weak so I'd never pick him in a fight
  2. I remember when I always used to lose my signal with t-mobile, when I called they told me it was sunspots. I no longer have t-mobile, apparently Verizon isn't affected by sunspots. Sunspots are BS
  3. physics knows your coming? That must be why I can't fly, gravity seems to always know when I want too. Every cart is trash, and I agree, the old people at meijer need to be more than just eye candy
  4. supldys

    2009 Movies

    Ask me again next year when iron man 2 comes out, thats all i care about
  5. its the robots taking everyone's jobs. They saw this happening back in 1987...but it was too late, we just couldn't stop them
  6. Appeasement never works,and apparently being peace-loving hippies doesnt either. I feel bad for taking their land, but you know, it was manifest destiny. From sea to shining sea.
  7. Yeah but he can take out the trash, id hire him
  8. supldys


    Its michael moore, I wouldnt trust a damn thing he says. Try watching fahrenheit 911 then fahrenhype 911, you'll figure it out
  9. I've already had multiple files disappear, I don't know if you guys are having the same problem
  10. fill out a FAFSA, you never know you might get lucky, plus OSU makes you do it if you want any financial aid or loans. ROTC, do it while you're in school, should be able to get a scholarship if you keep your grades up and you have a guaranteed job when you get out. I've got a double major so I'm on the 5 year plan too, and I took a couple years off after my freshman year, so I guess I'm on like the 7 or 8 year plan. No biggy though, as long as you actually work hard to get it doneit will mean something
  11. supldys


    im on lvl 19, not that tough, but hella addicting
  12. expensive fast food pisses me off. I will not pay almost $6 for a cheeseburger unless I'm getting waited on or it includes the side and drink. I went to chipotle and they raised their prices to 6.35 for just a burrito, no guac no extra anything. Its going to be tough but I'm not going back there. I bet this burger place is great but thats way too much for a fast food joint
  13. supldys

    Oh shit....

    Technically under geneva they just need to be enemy combatants, well in the war on terror, anyone who is a terrorist would be an enemy combatant. And technically it being a naval base, it is US soil. But with that said I thought we needed it and these peope will most likely get real torture if they ever do make it home because they'll want to know if they ratted out.
  14. I had SBC bu its now att through yahoo...its a mouthful but i like it. I have the cheap dsl and I get decent speeds, plus its a hell of a lot cheaper than time warner and doesnt go out every other week like RR. In fact the only time Ive ever been without service was in the fall when everyone's power went out...and it actually still worked with the laptop then
  15. supldys


    I dont think thats right, roberts said it wrong the first time, Obama stopped, roberts said it right, but then Obama said it wrong, repeating what roberts said the first time. And it looked more like Obama was motioning for roberts to repeat it because he didnt have it memorized. And he also cut the man off at the beginning It takes two to tango and I hate that everyone blames roberts for it when they both clearly messed it up
  16. The drugs dont work well on me either because I had so much infected tissue around mine. I just had 2 pulled because they cracked in half and was causing a lot of pain. So it was just novacaine when they pulled mine but it actually felt so much better to have them out, the swelling from the bad teeth was actually pushing all my other teeth forward and infecting my gums. So I was good like a day later, because it was actually pain going away when they pulled them
  17. Don't you guys know Obama can't do anything wrong, it doesn't matter how high the ceiling is set it will always be Bush's fault
  18. Yes absolutely. Every president has been elected following the rules of the constitution and any difficulties have been settled either within congress or the supreme court. Has there been a military takeover? Has a president refused to step down and ordered the troops to surround the white house and protect him? Has someone kept the electoral college and elections from happening other than delaying from a national emergency? No You're going to actually bring up civil rights? Blacks and women received the right to vote, name me all the countries that allowed blacks and women to vote in 1788 when our constitution was ratified. Its going to be a very short list. Im not saying thats a good thing, just that ex post facto laws are unconstitutional, so don't blame me or the system for something in the past that has been fixed.
  19. If thats true then that would have nothing to do with greenhouse gases that affect everything under the atmosphere, only what is in direct sunlight...which is not manmade. So hopefully he gets more press for this to shut some people up
  20. God I hated sprint, so glad my contract finally expired with them. good luck to ya
  21. I thought it was funny that I went to work yesterday...and it was all white people. They even put up a TV and let you stop working for 2 friggin hours to watch it, but no, gotta stay home and watch it. I'm not rascist I just think that if the economy is as bad as they say it is, you need to get your ass to work and at least watch it there. And anyone heard this new seal and bono America song. You guys aren't even American. We've always had free and fair elections and peaceful transitions of power. The America people pick the president, yet celebrities aren't proud of America until their guy gets elected. What dicks. Keep your damn song. I will say this, at least Obama gave props to the hundreds of thousands of guys that died in the civil war to preserve the union and end slavery, I havent heard anyone say that in awhile. Hopefully now that he's prez, yes prez, the Obamania will end, the cult of personality is really making me sick.
  22. I dont get it, I thought globalwarming was caused by greenhouse gases (If you believe in it I mean, which I wholeheartedly do not) So wouldn't the last thing you want to do be to reflect the light into the atmosphere, don't you want to reflect it before it gets there. White paint is stupid. Global warming is another progressive movement meant to make everyone think people who drive a truck are dirty, corrupt, racist, bigots and the green people hybrid drivers are awesome. Theyve been doing this shit forever.
  23. Im only getting about a30kb/s upload, havent tried downloading yet
  24. I dont remember spiderman whooping iron man. Look how much of a wuss spiderman is But what about thing or colossus. I know thing's a cry baby but colossus is a juiced up russian.
  25. I meant like they're not even a racing seat, for that much money you could just get 2 nice recaro's put in the back. They're nothing but red back seats.
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