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Everything posted by excell

  1. excell

    friday 01/13

    Sold! I'll be here with bells on.
  2. excell

    friday 01/13

    9:30, in, I love chicken wings and beer.
  3. excell

    friday 01/13

    I could be into some wings and beer. We could always slug some over at BW3 on Hilliard-Rome. They have Shiner-bock on draft!
  4. Yea, they are trash. The suspension sucks and has all sorts of problems! The shortstar in the Catera really is a nasty motor, too.
  5. That is even uglier than the Charger. Retro = suck. P.S. Thorne, you suck. Die.
  6. Sorry, W-bodies (and H, too) suck. Better, Bucky?
  7. excell


    I'll pick them up. PM me the address.
  8. excell

    I quit smoking

    Ben, the best advice I can give you is to crawl into a hole for a month or two and don't drink ANY alcohol or hang out with ANYONE who is drinking and smoking - period. If I would have had an event right after I quit smoking, there is no way I could have quit. I quit on December 28th, two years ago. My first event wasn't until March and that whole time I didn't go anywhere or do anything. I concentrated on quitting. If you need someone to hang out with who isn't drinking or smoking, you know I'll come over and chill. It won't be as much fun as usual, but hey, what are friends for.
  9. You better fix that, or you are going to have a rough time here.
  10. Rule #1: We have an introductions forum.
  11. Actually, you have to unplug it for about 24 hours to clear the fuel trims. It takes about an hour to clear stored historical engine codes. I can do all of that in 30 seconds.
  12. Best idea I can give you, buy a second hard drive for it off of eBay or another sundry facilitator. Swap the drive and load Linux, download a few sniffer apps and play with them to find the one you like best. When you are done, swap your windows hard drive back in. Clean, no dual-boot mess. I like Air-snort, but I haven't used many of the "new" programs out there. Most of them are based off of the Air-snort project anyway. For recreational purposes only, of course.
  13. The best apps are on Unix or Linux. Windows apps suck and take much longer, if they work at all. Are you doing this with a laptop or desktop?
  14. For you, ever. Thanks for organizing this, there were like 30+ people out there. Even if it wasn't on the east side.
  15. You just can't fucking leave it alone, can you? The next post I see where you mention this again, I'm banning you until I feel better. You have to fucking push, don't you? Ugh. P.S. Mike and I coming out.
  16. You obviously don't know me very well. I'll give credit where credit is due, but that dude looks NOTHING like me. Further, he has a guitar, of which I do not posess the abilty to play. So, next time, put a little thought into your insults. :thumbdown
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