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Everything posted by excell

  1. You guys have it all wrong. Read this: http://www.actionhvac.com/library/heat_pump_owners.html That should help you. smile.gif
  2. excell


    You just won yourself a strike too. People, knock that shit off. Call him an asshole, a fucking pile of shit, whatever... but stop wishing for his death. It's too borderline, and I'm ready to start banning.
  3. No, but we're all going to a bar not too far from you. http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=12;t=001866;p=1#000012
  4. It wasn't just Tuttle. Even "redneck land" AKA WalMart, Meijer, etc on Hilliard-Rome road was almost impassable. Un-fucking-believable. What the hell are you doing going to mass anyway? What a waste of a good TV night.
  5. It wasn't just Tuttle. Even "redneck land" AKA WalMart, Meijer, etc on Hilliard-Rome road was almost impassable. Un-fucking-believable. What the hell are you doing going to mass anyway? What a waste of a good TV night.
  6. Yea. I fucking hate Christmas.
  7. Yea. I fucking hate Christmas.
  8. We agree on something for once?
  9. We agree on something for once?
  10. excell

    Snow plow man stuck

    That is fucked up! His supervisor should hear about that one...
  11. Take your pick, we have 10.19 - 10.95 (This one is a Bonneville!) - and a couple set to roll their way into the 10's too.
  12. Bring the Mustang to trails now and we can school it for you again.
  13. excell

    Snow plow man stuck

    Nice! He wasn't going to stop?!
  14. excell


    I do uphold the law and order around here. So, go play in the snow and don't piss me off.
  15. excell


    It's borderline, and they are respected members so I'll let it slide this time with strikes for both of them. Stop crying.
  16. Battery's been dead. Too lazy to plug it in. I'll go do that...
  17. http://www.spscriptorium.com/Season3/PeteySexualHarassmentPanda.gif
  18. Hahaha... Cop: "Hey, what in the hell do you think you're doing?!" Eric: "Do you see any "no climbing" signs? I see "No fishing" - "No Swimming" - "No Littering" - but I sure don't see any "No Climbing" signs!" Cop: "You have to come down sometime, kid!" ... and then next year we'll see "No Climbing" added to all of the signs. tongue.gif
  19. Well, I'll bet it's a no-sweat job with a BOBCAT! tongue.gif
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