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Everything posted by excell

  1. I have a good friend from Illinois who is looking to move to Columbus. I have the room and space at my house, and he has made a very generous offer to me for room and board. I have never lived with someone else since I left home, and even then it was just my mom. I own my home and I am looking for opinions and experiences from people in a situation similar to mine. I trust him, and think he'll have a relatively light footprint. The money would definitely be nice too. But this is VERY new territory for me, and I'm uneasy about having someone living with me. Please, share some of your thoughts and experiences. smile.gif
  2. I appreciate all of your input guys! Today I went over to Hinds after going to the range. I sat on a few bikes and got a feel for what I like and don't like. I am too big for a traditional sport bike, and found them very uncomfortable. On the other side of the spectrum I did not feel "right" on a cruiser. I sat on a GSXR 750 and 1000, a Ninja ZX-10, a RSW, and a Kawasaki Z1000. They didn't have a 919. My favorite bike by FAR was the Z1000. I really like that bike. I felt perfect when sitting on it. My feet touched the ground without struggling, yet the bike still had a very sport feel. You guys were right all along; the naked bikes are for me. I think that the naked bikes are a good compromise between the performance and look of the sport bikes, and the comfort of the cruisers. The RSW looked and felt cool as shit, but was a little too comfortable for me. The only problem with the Z1000 is the colors. Red on black, orange, and green are the only colors available. Yuck. I also saw the SV's, which didn't look too bad. I may take another look at them. So, what do you guys think of the Z1000, and what other naked bikes do you think would be a good choice to research? Thanks. smile.gif
  3. If you guys figure it out, gimmie a call. I wanna get drunk.
  4. Send me a PM, we'll talk. smile.gif But not until Sunday, cause I'll be at PRI. There is a LOT you can do.
  5. That is pretty cool about the RSW, I didn't realize it was so high tech. I guess everything with a motor us high tech nowadays. One thing is for sure, whatever bike I get will be fuel injected. No more carbs for me. Mowgli, did you have a chance to read that 919 article I posted? I'm interested to hear your thoughts, you seem to know a lot about this and have a good grasp on what I want to do. Thanks!
  6. The more research I do on the 919, the more I like it. However, I ran across this article and it is making me wonder. I really want a bike that I can upgrade as I get better, but this seems to explain that upgrades are useless because the 919 is already taxed as it is. I found this image, and I LOVE it. I would definitely have to get that belly pan, windscreen setup, and eventually the rear seat delete. I also love this blue! http://www.919.org/gallery/9.jpg graemlins/nod.gif I was reading up on the RSW, and it's air cooled?! I was pretty surprised! Vince, care to send me info on your bike? I might as well at least find out about it.
  7. Haha, "Ludicrous Speed" I think I'm going to definitely check out a RSW. It sounds like it will be good candidate for me, if I can locate one in my budget. I will have to get the chin cowl. It really completes the look! I like the idea of the 919's power band, but the looks just don't seem to excite me. I'm not really a naked bike guy, but the RSW has such nice lines it's hard not to like it. I think I will have to see a 919 in person to really get a feel for it. The Bandit also doesn't do a lot for me. When I rode my 500, I felt very confident. I often would find myself feeling very limited by its lack of power, especially on the freeway. It also didn't feel very sure footed in the corners, and thus limited me on how much cornering I did. I think I am going to error on the side of getting a larger bike. Who says I have to go wide open the first day I own it? I know that I'm a sensible rider, and I can control myself until I'm ready to step up. I want to buy one bike to personalize and enjoy, not have to buy a new bike every season. Hoblick, I'll take you up on the offer pretty soon. I would like to see how I feel on a newer Ninja. smile.gif I can't wait to get a bike so that I can do more riding this coming year. I missed a lot of riding this past year, and I really missed it. It's just a little confusing now that I'm ready to step up. Can't just buy a $1500 disposable bike this time.
  8. Ah ha, yes on the chicken strips. I will be doing more and more cornering the more comfortable I get with the bike, however. I like the 919, but I really do want something that has good freeway. Having the midrange torque is good, but it sounds like it’s a slouch when it comes to getting going from a roll. Am I under the right impression? My biggest problem with my 500 (other than the fact that it’s a 500 tongue.gif ) is that it pulled decent from a stop, because it’s pretty torquey, but when it came to freeway speeds it was a down and out turd. I'm also undecided about naked bikes. I prefer the look of the full fairing, but when nicely done (like the RSW) I could see myself on one. I hadn't considered some of the cruisers out there. I really like the looks of the RSW and I REALLY like the look of it blacked out! I think I'll have to check one of those out for sure. I hadn't really considered going larger than a 750 because I am worried that I am jumping into too much bike. But honestly, I took right to the 500 and riding a motorcycle like it was second nature. I think I should quit being a wuss and get something that will keep me happy for a while. I really appreciate your input on this!
  9. I may be fat, but you are gay. I don't like or want a Harley. Not the bike for me. smile.gif
  10. Also, what is the deal with the Honda Interceptor? Looks to have a motor right around what I'm looking for (800cc), but I don't know a lot about these either.
  11. I was just looking at the RC-51. What makes it not a sport bike? Does it only come in red? Same thing with the SV series bikes. What kind of bikes are they, if they aren't sport bikes?
  12. Hoblick: That's exactly what I'm looking for, the feel of a bigger bike without all of the motor. I want something fast enough to keep me interested, but I don't need to go 200MPH. I would like to take you up on your offer; I'll get in touch after PRI. I have had several people tell me to seriously consider a GSXR 750, so I think when it's time to buy I owe it to myself to try one out and see if I don't die. I won't lie, my riding style is mostly going straight and cruising (Busa style tongue.gif ) but I still would like a bike that is sure-footed in taking turns. This is something I was never really able to do with my 500, it just never really felt "sure" in deep turns - so if I have a bike that feels confident in turns I will probably do more of that kind of riding. Please help me with the term "chicken strips." I’m not sure what that means. I'm not really into doing tricks, wheelies, etc. I just want to ride, have fun, and scare the skin off of myself every now and again. smile.gif I'm pretty set on sport bikes. I like the look and feel of them. Cruising bikes are nice, and probably suit my riding style a little better, but the allure of a sport bike is just too much. I appreciate all if your responses. Bikes are still something I don’t know a lot about, and narrowing down what I’m looking for will make finding the right one so much easier!
  13. What is "it"? tongue.gif What doesn't it keep up with after 100mph?
  14. excell

    Please help me!

    It's worked for over 10 of the friends in my circle. Just follow the rules, and it should be cool.
  15. Most of you guys know me; I'm 5'10" and 235+- pounds. I'm starting to look at what motorcycles to get here in the near future. I have a Kawi 500EX now, and I have outgrown it. I had my heart set on a newer R6, but now a friend of mine has me convinced that it's not enough motorcycle for me and that I will probably outgrow it by the end of next season, if not sooner. He is recommending something around 750cc. I want to buy a bike that I'm not going to kill myself on (Read: R1 or Busa), but I want something that is going to keep me interested and happy for at least two seasons. Basically, I want something to grow into, but not something that is going to be too damn much motorcycle. Looking for something newer, like a late 1990's or early 2000's. Also, I have never really "fit" well on Honda bikes. I sat on an F4i and it just didn't "feel" right (read: my belly is too big for the gas tank). I love how I fit on a 2000'ish R6 and liked how I fit on a similar year GSXR. What options do I have? I’m not really versed in motorcycles, and I know there are lots of bikes I’m not familiar with. I want to start looking now, so if I come across the right deal Hoblick can jump on it for me. tongue.gif
  16. http://www.freeiPods.com/?r=12788889 I know what you are thinking, but the free i-pod thing IS real. Please help me get mine, and hopefully you can pass this on to your friends and you can get one too! I will reimburse the cost of which offer you choose to do. Please PM me when you do the offer, and let me know how much it was and I will give your money back. The offer I did was $5.95, and there are several like that. Hey, can't we all use a 7-day trial of weight loss pills for $6? Here is how you avoid the fluff and get right down to getting your i-pod: When you click on my link, enter the information they require. After you enter in your information, for ANY of the following sreens where you can choose a "yes" or "no" radio button, select no. You will get to your offer page where you have to do only one offer. That signs you up and helps me. You only need someone to do 5 offers through your link to get your i-pod. Again, I will pay you your money back for doing an offer for me. Also, they do NOT spam your e-mail!!! Gratis is known for this. Please, help a guy out. Maybe this can help you to get yours. smile.gif Thanks!
  17. You could do that, or just unplug the second drive until you have completed the upgrade and everything is working according to plan. Then, plug it back in, format, and reconnect the mirror. smile.gif
  18. Personally, I would break the mirror and keep the second drive as a backup just in case something gets fucked up. You can always fall back on it. Re-establishing the mirror is easy, but reloading your server isn't. smile.gif
  19. If he doesn't take them, I will. That is unbearable to send those to the dump!
  20. Cool, I will. You go through vehicles like I go through spark plugs. smile.gif
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