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Everything posted by excell

  1. Done. graemlins/leghump.gif
  2. Yea, Kenny's asswhoopin has to wait... busted the drive-chain in my transaxle this friday with what would have been a 1.6x launch.
  3. Waaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much...
  4. No, Pontiac's fix themselves. All I have to say is I still have a 96 Explorer with original EVERYTHING but the starter and 160,000 miles! tongue.gif
  5. Old rusted out piece of shit? I have a 99 that is none of those. tongue.gif
  6. Time to break in the new truck.
  7. YOU MARRIED?! Buwahaha, what blow-up doll did you buy?
  8. Ask a stupid question.... ... then you are a stupid person. tongue.gif
  9. Put it in the near the ice box.
  10. Guys, take the conversation to PM's and quit wasting bandwidth. tongue.gif
  11. excell

    Attn: all women

    Then I'll slap you in the face and kick you out of my house.
  12. Thanks guys. I got out the Haynes manual on it and the stock instructions seem pretty similar. Let me tell you, pain in the ass. Welp, back to working with no ones help ever again. tongue.gif
  13. I'm taking all of the fairings off of my motorcycle so I can paint them. I've removed everything but the front shocks, the ones attached to the forks. I have a friend that is supposedly good with motorcycles helping me. The last bits to remove are the shocks. They are aftermarket units made by "PK Suspension." Well, we can't seem to figure out how to remove them. My friend notices a little 10mm bolt on the very bottom and says you need to remove that to get them off. Well, he removed it and a shitload of this black foul-smelling liquid comes out, and I quickly realize that it's some kind of drain or bleed or something. I think we just drained the shock oil. Is this a correct assumption? I looked all over and I cannot find a fill hole, so I'm not quite sure what I just fucked up. Can anyone tell me what I did, what it will do, and how in the hell do I fix it? Thanks. redface.gif
  14. graemlins/thumb.gif Marc: Rest assured, I'm always doing something behind the scenes.
  15. I've never been wrong before, what makes you think I'll start now? tongue.gif
  16. I think this whole thing is being blow out of proportion. If you can't handle the way the board is progressing, then you should step down and not be a mod or admin. Anthony, if you are tired of the shit then maybe it's time to relinquish command. Better yet, give me the board for a few weeks. I'll clean this place up in a big hurry. You need to have balls of iron and not be afraid to piss off a lot of people. One thing is for sure, you might as well just shut the place down if this is the way you are all going to deal with this.
  17. This seems a little extreme to me. CR is a pandora's box. You cannot stop or alter it's natural progression. Note the similarities between CR's progression and the progression of the automotive hobby. All you can do to stop it is close CR for good.
  18. When the car goes back on the dyno next week we will be putting a pressure gauge on it to see if our conclusions are correct. smile.gif I think this is the first informative thread I've ever started!
  19. Wow, there is so much stuff in this thread I don't understand. So the general feeling is that an in-line will help my situation? Is there any brand or model that you would reccomend I use?
  20. I run the Wlabro 340M 255lph in-tank pump. Boost right now is in the 17 to 18 psi range and will be approaching - and probably just passing - 20 this year. What is BSFC?
  21. I'm running 50# injectors and may be upgrading to 57# in the near future. I run stock 45psi fuel pressure. Yes, we belive the car is running out of fuel pressure.
  22. Well it looks as if I have some figuring out to do with the fuel system. Here are a few details: First and second gear are fine, in third gear I am running out of fuel. I believe this to be a combination of lower voltage to the pump as it gets hot(resistance) and also pressure loss as it's been running at full for about 7 seconds before I actually hit third. I'm trying to solve this issue so that if I want to go mess around, say oh in a roll situation on the fwy, that I don't blow the motor up because it runs out of fuel. Trying to figure out my options as the Walbro 340M is the biggest pump I can fit in the tank.
  23. It's bad when you are out of fuel with a 255lph in-tank and a V6.
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