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Everything posted by excell

  1. I thought about a mixed breed, but I think I want a pure-breed. I think it would be cool to find a retired service dog. Looking at retired service dobermans. smile.gif
  2. So you can have dogs bigger than you?
  3. No I don't one as big as a horse. tongue.gif Medium dog, doesn't shed a lot, viscious as all hell. tongue.gif
  4. I will never own a dog that I can mop my floor with. tongue.gif No kids, so I want something that can tear limbs off.
  5. Ahhh yes, I never thought of that.... hmmm
  6. excell

    Mon. May 31st

    Most everyone who posted is your age.
  7. This thread has outlived it's usefulness. But due to the ban on political threads I'll let it stay open cause I gotta give you fuckers something.
  8. excell

    Mon. May 31st

    around 20? WTF? I'm 21, but what does that have to do with anything?
  9. I want a German Shepard but they are really big and they shed a lot. I would like a smart and loyal guard type dog, but not huge.
  10. I would NEVER let it roam free. Ever. ANY dog I had would be treated like this.
  11. You know, if you hate it so much here then why don't you browse somewhere else? I figured a seemingly educated person like you would have figured out the simple principal of "don't like it then go somewhere else." I have so much more I'd like to write but in the spirit of not being a complete asshole I'll leave it at this: If you have such a problem with this place then LEAVE. Otherwise keep your smart-ass crybaby comments to yourself. I'll be more than happy to show you to door myself, if necessary. How’s that for a wet blanket?
  12. I can't belive you are only 28. Merc is older than you! tongue.gif
  13. Better hurry your ass and get to the beams before the other guy. If you are a slow stager you deserve to be disadvantaged. I still hate bracket racing though, it's gay.
  14. That is some gay shit. Anyone know what it costs to insure one? Or the penalties for not insuring it?
  15. Are they illegal in Columbus/Franklin County/Ohio?
  16. This is like saying you don't like cars because the first one you drove was a Yugo.
  17. If you call me Christopher again you will get a permaban. tongue.gif
  18. If you call me Christopher again you will get a permaban. tongue.gif
  19. No, my digi cam was stolen some time ago. Have not had the cash to get the one I want. You are more than welcome to come by and see it. I live in Galloway. smile.gif
  20. No, my digi cam was stolen some time ago. Have not had the cash to get the one I want. You are more than welcome to come by and see it. I live in Galloway. smile.gif
  21. Oh, yea, it has a K&N filter too.
  22. Oh, yea, it has a K&N filter too.
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