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Posts posted by excell

  1. I have a package scheduled for delivery to 43215 on Monday. I know It'll arrive in Columbus at the Trabue facility probably late Thursday night or Friday morning, but not in time to load for Friday delivery. I would *love* to pick up this package Friday afternoon/evening because it has car parts. The UPS 800-number has given me two different answers on if I can do this:


    1) Only the shipper can call and request this.


    2) Call us on Friday and we'll see what we can do.


    Regarding #1, I will contact the shipper and ask them to do this. I hope they will.


    What's the story? If you work there, would (could?) you help me out?


    Please sympathize with my need for car parts. Thank you. :)

  2. Chris, I know about the issues between you and Intense, and frankly, I don't give a shit about them.


    Hey man, I'm with you. I could really give a damn about it - we're talking 5 year old news here. If anyone still gives a shit about any of it, they're in bad shape. Sometimes you just have to move on.

  3. You'd think they'd have another ban message then. Something along the lines of "Your account has been inactive for xxx time, please contact an Admin" versus "You just bashed the TRUE reason this technical forum is around, revenue for intense".


    My opinion is, at least they finally express the true role of the forum in their corporate landscape. There is no harm in a company having a forum as a discussion arm as long as it's being portrayed in its true intention.

  4. I dunno Buck, it may not have been from here so don't be so quick to throw Gonneville under the bus. When did they activate the ban? I think they cleaned house over there a while back of people they don't like. Even after all of the... unpleasantness... I was still an active member. I didn't go on for about 6-9 months, when I checked back in I was banned. Didn't say or do anything there, and sparsely posted on ClubGP, so I'm not sure what triggered it other than lingering animosity. Didn't question it, whatever, I have better things to do.
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