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Everything posted by excell

  1. excell

    Sugar Bowl

  2. excell

    Sugar Bowl

    At least it's an exciting game! This bowl season has left me underwhelmed.
  3. Awww yea, I'm partial to the Lakers Camero. Pimpin'.
  4. excell

    Sugar Bowl

    Yea, I was pissed about that. What a cool play from Utah if the refs didn't have sandy vaginas. I think that's why I love seeing non BC$ teams in the series. They come up with some fun plays you don't see much of with the big boys.
  5. excell

    Sugar Bowl

    When I did drinks other than water, I only drank Powerade. Tastes mo' betta'.
  6. excell

    Sugar Bowl

    Bama finally got a touchdown! Good for them!
  7. excell

    Sugar Bowl

    Can't believe Bama couldn't materialize a touchdown out of that series. Missed FG? Yeesh!
  8. excell

    Sugar Bowl

    This makes me sad for Boise State. I love an underdog. At least it was to TCU and not some nut hugging money school.
  9. excell

    Sugar Bowl

    Not the only huge sack on the field today. Apparently, Utah all came with huge sacks.
  10. excell

    Sugar Bowl

    Since they're not a BC$ school, they have a slim (read: no) chance of being voted #1. WOW a third touchdown. Unbelievable!
  11. excell

    Sugar Bowl

    So far Alabama is outgunned by Utah! Woaw! Discuss!
  12. Pete Carol builds his squad like they're in the NFL - that's how they play - modern, cut-throat, NFL quality. Most of the Big 10 is still playing college ball like it's 1960. Now I'm not saying that any or all college teams should be playing like they're NFL farm teams. Personally, I find the way USC plays too aggressive (leading a tackle with your head, for example). But there must be an escalation. Penn State got beat because they are not prepared for this kind of football. It was clear that Pete ran all over JoePa in the first half, then pulled back some so it wasn't a drag-out murdering. I'm sure the last thing he wants to get crap for in the off season was running over JoePa, especially if something happens to him and he dies or can't coach. Let's face it, JoePa has one foot in and he's one of the last remnants of old college ball. Do you want to kill the grandpa of college football? It was very interesting to see Pete balance the fragility between the brutal murder of Penn State for AP style points and not pounding his personal image into the ground at the withered old hands of JoePa (unintentionally on JoePa's part, he could care less I'm sure). Allow me to rant more... Everyone gets all gay over the power of the SEC and they're right. Not because they have better or stronger or smarter players. On the contrary, in my opinion the northern squads led by the Big 10 still pick up the brightest, most talented players. It's all program culture and coaching styles. Most of the SEC play at a quality I call "new" college ball. A middle-ground between 1960 college and 2008 NFL. Then you look at other power house teams in the country like Texas, Florida, and Oklahoma - they play like this. There is respect for "old" 1960's ball but they recognize that a new breed of athlete exists now and they're exploiting the strengths. They play to score the piss out of the game. They play to hurt the opponent. They play to win big. The Big 10 (and a majority of other conferences and teams, this isn't just a diss on the Big 10) live in the past. Until Tressel and others quit playing as if it's still a gentleman's game, we'll continue getting killed in bowl games at the hands of ignorant fools who can't read past a third grade level and have no concept of "gentleman". Bright spot: watch Michigan. If RichRod can last long enough to get some talent and get his squad built they are going to run over the Big 10 and take a few national powerhouses with them.
  13. excell

    Cr has

    I'm gonna add some more!
  14. I always love it when Tilley posts about college football. We share so many views. Said it before, the weepy Pac10 v. Big10 tradition in the Rose Bowl is tired. I wish the automatic BCS tie-in's were thrown out the window, but then the BCS would fall apart because no big conference would bother as they aren't guaranteed a pay day. BCS should be on merit, not on pocketbook. Further: I love Ohio State, but they do not deserve a BCS game - they should have been in the Capital One bowl with Georgia. That would have been a great match up and a good consolation prize for a two-loss building year. This would free up Boise State v. Utah, Penn State v. Alabama, USC v. Texas. Even though it's not Texas in the NCG it still would have been a bruising motherfucking kill fest of college football. Yes please. I guess now we get to look forward to Monday and hope that OSU can keep it together and pull one off against a chip-on-shoulder Texas. If not, 2009 will be a long polling season...
  15. It's exactly where it should be - not where I am.
  16. excell

    Orange Bowl

    Denied end zone! Game over for Cinci.
  17. What springs are those?
  18. excell

    Orange Bowl

    Want to stay up and watch but must go to bed. What to do, what to do.
  19. Yea, but I wasn't as bad about it then. I'm getting worse as I get older. I have a dishwasher or I'll use disposable everything. When I had apartments without one, I didn't own dishes.
  20. I'm extremely sensitive - almost OCD - about cleanliness about some things including cups, silverware, plates, door knobs and handles, most things I touch. I'm also surgically clean when I cook and worry about proper food preparation and cross-contamination. But I have absolutely no problem eating at Mexican taco trailers, dirty ghetto dives, etc. - those are where you get the most delicious and authentic food.
  21. I'm really digging the orange bowl. Didn't think it would be this entertaining.
  22. I'm on Valium right now because I haven't slept in two nights and I know I won't tonight unless I take it. Once a month, every month, I have a three day period where I can't sleep. I make my living with computers. I enjoy technology. But it also scares the hell out of me - what most people don't know or understand is terrifying.
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