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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Hal, that whine of the blower is just "sick" sounding!! I love cobra's!!
  2. Dan and I went a couple years ago like every year. I think he entered the Mach or the 90 Im not sure (least I thought.. been too long ago) Im going. I will get you the info and call you later on if someone doesnt post it today! We can meet up and head out there together if ya want too.
  3. haha oh snap! :-) And Nick.... anytime your ready to line up ...... until then.. hush!
  4. haha.. that was so funny I forgot to laugh lol
  5. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/AmysBAD98GT/amyburnout.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/AmysBAD98GT/1303913422_0ce22568d6.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/AmysBAD98GT/1302949107_af5b47236f.jpg
  6. It is a great show I know Ill probably be out there!!!
  7. Yes you can use lawyers in smal claims court. I had a paint job done once that was RUINED and I and the other party both used lawyers. Best of luck t you in everything working out.
  8. Brian you know after the 98 starting up ... everyone is deaf lol Let me know if you guys need any help. Again, I didnt know what was going on with everyone going back to clean up. Plus drivinghe 98 from Polaris to Hilliard and back home at 1am would not be so good. lol
  9. Amy

    NMRA Columbus

    Had a pretty rough weekend. Ended up not running. Good runs to Josh, Brian and some others that ran.
  10. +1 If I would have known that then hell yes, but the manager should have said something to me or the others who did rolling burnouts. I drag race, so Im used to doing a burnout the "cirrect way and thats how we do it at the strip, so just as fun to do it there." Like I said, no one spoke up. But good fun anyways. Ill give a hand if needed, but ythe manager should have said something or stopped it after the first one.
  11. Ya know, if they said they had permission then how is anyone supposed to know there was an issue. Maybe that should have been covered before or while the event took place. Sorry I don't feel bad.
  12. Thank ya guys! Those tires were the King of The Street tires, byw byw to them :-) I didnt know anything about the lot clean up... till the next day.
  13. Those are really awesome pics! I love how he did them! Thanks!!!
  14. Amy

    NMRA Columbus

    Hey they aren't me or my cars.. you wanna race them look for the guys that wear the "JPC" shirts and ask for Justin Burkham. Thats the owner and driver of that car.. he has like 10 other ones he brought with him.. so Im sure they will be out tonight. But you guys have anything other than a "busa or 1000" to race.. or you just have bikes? Why don't you line up a car to a car? Whatever.
  15. Amy

    NMRA Columbus

    Really? I was there.. where were you?
  16. Amy

    NMRA Columbus

    Well when your trying to get a fully sponsored car to street race that probably isnt going to work too well. I dont think I would throw away a full sponsor ride, for a street race. Also, most of the drivers have to be up at the crac of dawn to race at the track. Just my thoughts. If you guys wanna call out those cars... here is the way.. http://www.nmraracing.com. Or go to the track and ask them to run. :-)
  17. Amy

    NMRA Columbus

  18. Amy

    NMRA Columbus

    My class runs tomorrow. Also ever heard of a laptop. Piss off Scott.
  19. Amy

    NMRA Columbus

    I raced 17 times in St Louis, probably 20-30 times at trails last year.. then this year.. Raced FFW in Norwalk, then NMRA Columbus this weekend, then let's see what else, Dragway 42, Norwalk test n tune night here and there, then hm ran KOTS last year in KY, then ran at some various races in different states this year.. anything else?
  20. Amy

    NMRA Columbus

    Thank ya mam!!! :-)
  21. Amy

    NMRA Columbus

    ok then, don't talk about my car racing, when you don't even go to tracks. Next!!
  22. Amy

    NMRA Columbus

    Hmm, amazing Scott you have the nerve to say anything.. whens the last time you had your GM at the track. Shut up.
  23. hahah that is too funny. I just heard about that today from one of the other racers lol haha
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