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Everything posted by Amy

  1. That would be cool Mr. Mike! Ya we will be there! Doesnt matter if you brought your cues or not, you still are a shark! :-)
  2. Ya if you didnt you would be totally fired! lol
  3. I just saw that too Dan! Tell him good job! I was kinda nervous in the finals watching that.. he got all the way to the semis then lost! Thats great. Good to see a private guy make it this far!!
  4. Amy

    Fucking Asshole!

    You noticed all that, but didnt get the tag?? (hehe j/k) Sorry to hear that! Kick his a**
  5. ummmmmm ok. ?????? Special. Or more like sssspppppeeeeccciiiiaaaallllll
  6. So a few of us were thinking of going to Arlington tonight and Friday night. If anyone is interested we will be there around 8p. Have a couple tables by the front doors. See ya there.
  7. God, that is one ugly Benz!
  8. Amy

    Anyone a Notary?

    Or just shoot me a call
  9. Amy


    Ben, you just aren't right lol :-P
  10. Amy

    ASR Cruise In

    The Advance lot will be mostly for registration and the "shops". The main parking lot at Petland will be for the show participants. Each person will have to come up to the registration booth to register then will get there free bag of goodies and hand in there raffle ticket they receive. There will also be a silent auction of a Original "Whit Basemore" (spelling??) Funny Car team shirt and Summit Race jacket. Amoung the other million t shirts, hats, and other stuff we have. Any questions shoot me a pm
  11. Amy

    ASR Cruise In

    Shops are going to be there at 11am So all of us need to be here around 10am to setup. :-) Brian what did you do?
  12. Amy

    ASR Cruise In

    Awesome deal guys! DJ let me know if you need any help. Yes its this coming Sat! noon - 5p Ben!
  13. How did it go Dan? I didnt get a chance to watch it last night. Hope Jim is all good. You know Ill see you guys in Indy. Best of luck! Great team!
  14. I might head out there. If Im not dead from the car show lol. I want to get another ride in her STi. Badass little thing! :-)
  15. Amy

    Something new....

    haha Well Ill see you guys there tomorrow then! Btw you all forgot my bday!
  16. Amy

    Something new....

    Im in. You guys going tonight?
  17. Anyone still heading up there tonight? Looks like it will be a nice night to run. Think Im going to watch.
  18. fastet street cars in a sense... anywhere from the normal test n tune to the outlaw classes to 7 sec cars..
  19. I just got stuck in all the traffic in UA ... wish I would have seen this earlier.. (all drivers behind the wheel of a car today SUCK!) lol
  20. Ok guys/gals.. we are looking for a couple things for the show on the 25th. We need a truck to bring my grill out to the Advance Auto, then we are really needing a stereo of some sort to play some music for the show. Anyone that might be able to help. Would be very appreciated.
  21. Amy

    Amy + WRX =

    lol thank ya :-P
  22. Amy

    Amy + WRX =

    Wow your all asses! Be nice to me today its my birthday! haha
  23. Amy

    ASR Cruise In

    Chalk another one up for having Year One PRODUCTS at the event now too.
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