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Everything posted by Amy

  1. WOW... NO! You perverts get me out of this conversation!
  2. Dammit Brian ,,, me and anthony are both top secret procharger agents.. HUSH! lol
  3. Well between you and ray we might have 100 hp lol.. Yee haw! Let's race the f-turds! ahah
  4. Amy

    2007 Power Cruise

    I guess Im going to pass on the cruise tomorrow night, just going to be too long of a drive down and back. Sorry Dave!
  5. Dont say that word!!!
  6. I'm not sure, I think so. I can forward you the information.. just send me a pm, cause Ill forget :-P
  7. So I was thinking, since there was such a great turn out last time, who would be up for meeting again in Grove City Park N' Ride and cruising out to the Eastside Geero's? Say 900p that way we have time to get out there, grab a bite to eat and chill out, before we all head to QS&L?
  8. Amy

    2007 Power Cruise

    If I can find someone to go down with me, Ill head down. Just not going by myself.
  9. If you have proof that a account has been completely up to date, and never closed by the individual.. but the report on the credit said "closed by credit granter".. is there any legal issues you can have? Or procedures you take?
  10. So is there a time when this is all going down?
  11. I'm stealing your F-1 while your gone.. fair warning Ant. :-P lol
  12. Mike, did my cage in my car. No one has really heard from him in ages! Ran into some of his close friends up at FFW this last weekend, and none of us have talked to him. Mike disappeared! :-( He was a very good welder! Event though many people have had to go to a chiropracter (spelling??) after getting in my little funny car cage hah
  13. Amy

    i want

    I got one right here for ya...... lol
  14. Hey Ray wanna meet up and we can head over there.. if not take 270 towards the east side.. get off at main st. turn right at the 1st intersection.. and geeros is on the left in the small shopping plaza
  15. It's really true. Obesity is I think probably the highest killer out there. Sad, but true. I was noticing today when I went running at the gym, that even most people that are at the gym, are mostly there talking, barely doing anything. It's really rare to see most people pounding out a hardass work out! Im far from skinny, but at least Im in shape and healthy...little bit of a difference. But the people who do nothing but sit on the couch and veg out.. BLAH! BS!
  16. Amy

    i want

    So is the pricetag! hah
  17. HAHA That's fucking great! YeeHaw on mowing the yard!
  18. Amy

    i want

    Ben, I think the wife might hurt you. lol :-P
  19. I will be out for this. Miss going out that way. :-)
  20. Smokey: You are corret, I had a CC that I had not used with a smaller company in I think around 2 years, I did not close the account (no balance either) and I had pulled my credit history and the account had been closed. When I had contacted the said creditor, they let me know that the account had been closed due to being inactive for over a "x" amount of time and they close the account.
  21. Amy

    ASR Cruise In

    Thanks guys.. Yeah I am trying for a pretty special guest, but waiting to see if that works out on a time frame. Other than that.. bring as many people as you can, there will be balloons for the kids, stickers, music, cars.. should be a great time! :-) Scott, heck ya bring as many cars out as you can..!!!
  22. Amy

    oh, whats up

    Welcome! (oh yeah another mustang chick! :-) )
  23. Wow look, lots of broken 98s hahah
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