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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Amy

    Amys new 05 Busa

    ok then.. special
  2. Amy

    Amys new 05 Busa

    John you are evil...Your like the little kid from Problem Child...LOL
  3. Amy

    Amys new 05 Busa

    Johnathan hush! lol Its ok Ill slow down for the R6 so I wont make it look like you got beat too bad by a girl...LOL HEH J/K
  4. Went and got apporved today on a 2005 Black Hayabusa.. thinking bout getting.. possibly maybe.. hmm might just be a surprise. lol tongue.gif Had to post ..
  5. Yes your brothers car is BAD!!!!! Amy heart that car!!
  6. LOL Poor John hes just not right sometimes...lol
  7. 01 F4i here lol not the F4 anymore
  8. Amy

    2001 F4i 600cc bike

    Asking 4200 now.. obo. pm me if interested thanks!
  9. Dont know if its ok to post my bike on here for sale, but Ill try.... Just thought I would check my favorite board first before I posted on bike boards..lol Wanna deal with the half way sane people first..lol Ok it is a 2001 Honda F4i (fuel injected) 600cc bike Black and Silver Has 14K miles Tinted visor Lanyard line New Tires (Shinko tire in rear) lowered and has strap that goes with it if you want. Very nice shape! Mirror delete (but can get ahold of mirrors if needed) Also comes with Honda bike cover handles AWESOME! Track time (first time down the track on a bike went 11.06 @122mph pm me if interested or email me / AIM/Yahoo blk98gtgirl@yahoo.com AmysBAD98GT screen name on yahoo and AIM Thanks! -Amy-
  10. I went out the other day... as long as its not snowing.. anyone can ride...LOL
  11. ***** [ 04. November 2004, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: AmysBAD98GT ]
  12. I think its great that it went through. Even though you canhave non and regular areas to sit it the smoke is still in there. If someone wants to go kill themself and there lungs thats there choice. But its not fair to everyone else whos trying to stay away from it. Proven fact second hand smoke is worse than smoking. Oh well just my .2 cents lol "I am not trying to make this a smoker vs. non issue, but I have a feeling it will be. " - me either but I agree with you.
  13. Awww "sprouuted a pubic hair...aww isnt that just TOO CUTE. LOL LOL LOL I really could care less. Also the reason for my first post was very clear hun, read it. I posted because I was asked so oh well. Yes it is all immature but if you dont like it... DONT READ IT... I have seen a lot more gay shit on here. And really could care less anymore... So get in line and take a number with all the other people who think this is gay. Im first to admit.. ya it IS immature and high school. But who gives a fuck! LOL I posted they posted...YOU posted.. so blah blah blah.
  14. Oh but when I asked for the thread to be locked it was bullshit... LOL Too damn funny. YES THIS THREAD IS FUCKING GAY! And ban people for a week... wow for what? Bitching cause its the "the kitchen" andand "for posting stuff that you knew wouldnt be taken off" oh thats right ... My bad.. when other people ask for things to be taken off its pathetic... but when others ask it and think its stupid too... THATS OK!! WTF LOL
  15. Thats really messed up. I wouldnt have been nice. Good deal on your part you had patients. But I dont think they should be able to hassle the students. Yes they have rights too like everyone else, but your there to learn not get hassled. Good job on your part! Just my .02 cents worth lol
  16. (This is all in reference: But if this really isnt robin or andy then who ever you are your still just a retard..lol) BUT... The dog treat girl is just a thing named Robin (if its who I think it is of course) - and just a nosey old fuck who likes to start fights and get me all pissed which dont work anymore. Just completely funny! Dan and I couldnt stop laughing over that one...lol Not original on the name with since they used it awhile back...lol and vehicle is funny too.. what did they you do trade stock lx and the 04 yellow mach 1 in on a Buick? lol lol lol Since Im sure its not Andy... Robin give it up girl I mean damn dont you have better things to do.. like fixing your mullet? So be good now honey... dont wanna see ya get banned for the 100th time. I mean its gotta be old thinking of new names to get on here with everytime you talk shit to everyone over nothing. So.. Love ya hugs and kisses from your best friend Amy. MUUUAAH!
  17. LOL LOL Okay Okay I have to laugh.. so funny! I find it so funny that "people" named after a dog treat dont know anyone in this ... but yet "know" so much about me... LOL LOL Oh well... Oh what do I hear...chrip chrip "IS THAT A ROBIN"" LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Too funny. I love it!
  18. Amy


    so chris you gonna ride down stringtown road again through the middle of grove city? lol so pimp! lol
  19. Amy

    Newbie checkin' in

    Nice to see you joined bud. Yeah I am on a lot of the other race boards and met George on some of the NC racing sites and told him CR was a pretty spiffy place (sometimes..lol) and to join up. So nice to see ya did. Oh yeah... you should bring out the fast car...lol "wink wink"
  20. First Off I just had a death in my family yesterday and on top of that I am dealing with this. I only posted to save my boyfriend of two years. Not to cause people to look down on him or anyone else. I challenged him because he challenged me. I apoligized and thats that. I am not trying to have ANYONE save me I asked for it to be closed since both parties have commented on the subject now. So its over. I have a heart, and feel bad for anyone who has relationship problems. Thats why i didnt comment until I found out if I didnt I wouldnt have not been trusted.. so thats the only reason I even opened my mouth. Do you honestly think I want my life story on this board. NO! But this is a waste of breath. All you you guys are gonna do is try to start a big ole flame..so whatever... Im done posting. Think what you want of me thats fine I dont care. The only adult thing I care about on here is the person i love and lost so you take that as you will. Goodnight!
  21. I love you dan thats all I can say... say all the mean and hurtful things you want....everybody else.. say what you want too.. I am not trying to put you down or put our personal conversation on CR Thats not what I meant at all I was just trying to get you to see that I didnt do anything. So I explained everything that happened last night. Im sorry you took it wrong. I didnt mean for any of this to even be on here.. but you wont listen to me. Oh well. SO CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE MY FUCKING LIFE OFF THIS GODDAMN BOARD. I think everyone is amuzed now and hope it was all a good fucking laugh to everyone but I am loosing someone I care the world for and I want it off here please!
  22. Can someone please close this topic. Im very upset over this and its become very personal and it does not at all need to be on here anymore. I have lost someone I care the world for over a stupid argument and it doesnt need to be on here.. Please take it off or close it.. This is not a flame topic for CR. Thanks.
  23. The only reason I posted anything on here was to get the FACTS straight. I care very much for Dan which I even posted how I wanted my personal life LEFT OFF OF this board, but it was brought on to it. So look at it that way. Also Dan asked me to post on here to show I wasnt lying. So I did so... just that. Posted what happened to PROOVE to him I do care and that what I said was in fact the truth. Believe me I didnt want this on here... thats why I even told Dan I had not made a comment because I didnt want OUR business on Columbus Racing.
  24. [ 28. October 2004, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: little devil98gt ]
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