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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Amy

    Anyone Riding...?

    oh yeah.. thanks Johnathan for posting for me...
  2. Amy

    Anyone Riding...?

    Yeah dont think anyone wants to see my ugly ass in leather pants...lol
  3. Amy

    Mustang got hit

    Doesnt change the fact the car is going to the shop... just embarressed to take it to the shop where its going to be sitting next to some beautiful cars.. Im so mad I cant think straight. I mean Im glad she was honest enought to tell me then what really got me heated was when i walked outside she slammed her heavy purse and keys on my car and started to write her insurance info for me... Im like damn if ya didntalready fuck up enough fuck up some more!
  4. Thanks! I appreciate it. Me too... then my bad luck this morning o my car getting backed into. Nice!
  5. Amy

    Mustang got hit

    sorry for all the bad grammar... its early
  6. PEOPLE IN AMERICA CANNOT DRIVE. Ok I get the mustang back last night from Ford after they re-did my theft system for me. So I tell the tow truck driver to put the car in my driveway cause I live on a dead end road with a retirement home at the end of it... we can all assume why people dont park there cars on the street now... right ? Ok so I get home and the car is sitting a foot from the driveway in the road Im like oh yeah thats fucking cute! So Im like oh well guy is hauling it to his shop tomarrow night.. should be ok for one night... OH HElL NO... OF COURSE NOT AMY ALWAYS HAS BAD DAMN LUCK... SOMETHING GOOD COULD NEVER FUCKING HAPPEN TO ME/..... So my idiot neighbor we live diagnal from each other she rings my door bell at 730a and is like umm I kinda backed up into your mustang IM LIKE WHAT/!! Oh yeah crunch, and my fuel system is back there... MIRRORS= Fucking Use Them! Then she tells me how she has backed up into poles and all sorts of other shit.. Im like well maybe you shouldnt drive anymore... Now when I think last night I was gonna get the car back and running in the next few days now fucking this! I give up!!!
  7. Pauls Automotive fucked my car in the first place and a few others I know. They are the most horrible people I have ever met. I gave thema 2800 dollar spending limit, and stressed that fact I couldnt go over it. I walked out the door a few days later with a 6700 dollar bill a screwed up tune that had to be fixed 3 times and a car that had to be jumped everyday for a month. So sorry but I wouldnt let pauls automotive touch anything ever again that I own I would rather drive to Europe than go back. Thanks anyways... sorry to be so pissy but it was a bad bad bad experience and I have a lawyer over it.
  8. hey all that matters is he saw tail lights...lol
  9. I have to go to Kauffman Motorsports in Dillsburg (not harrisburg) PA I am trying one last option this evening so I dont have to go... but if I do.. I just need dropped off ... then they will fix the car and I can drive it back.
  10. will go but time costs and everything.
  11. I am needing to go to PA here next week and I am needing someone to haul me one way I have the choices of M-Th for a appt. Can someone help out. I will pay gas and all costs associated with it. Please pm me asap. thanks.
  12. nice race johnathan.... Always fun to pick on people that have more cubes or cc's lol sucks bout the tire though..
  13. Amy

    Anyone Riding...?

    yeah got it finally.. dont know how to post a pic though...
  14. So anyone doing anything lately.. or all you people just being boring..lol j/k tongue.gif Had to get another topic going.. nothings going on.
  15. yeah one guy blew oil smoke down the whole tack the other night.. they didnt check, then one kid had a broken window cracked to all hell ...they didnt care...i was like wow... this is ultra specail.
  16. trails is not as bad as people make it out to be.. no there not #1 but I would be pretty appreciative of that track now ater being to marion... i think gravel roads hook better and are more safe than that place. "A track is better than no track too"- just a thought.
  17. ]Amy, I just saw your dyno numbers... I'd like to race ya once I get my car tuned... should be a pretty good race Sure thing!
  18. elbow grease.. soap and water and shiney stuff...make all pretty. But a dirty car is a yucky car.. I dont understand why people dont clean under there hoods..lol
  19. well got all the new leather (black and silver) nice nice, Im really excited..least this time I can do the speed limit...lol (only funny if you knew about the last time) but anyhoo... should have it Wednesday at the latest.. just in time for bike night..yaaay.
  20. me and the rest of the GC group..SS GT'S, WS6s wheres everyone gonna be tonight..no one was out last night.
  21. easton is always fun to go ride at...
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