Well I was trying to stay out of the middle of this whole thing but now that my b/f is accusing me of this whole thing being my fault, and how horrible of a person I am for not taking his back "automatically" I am going to say a few things.
Fact 1: the night that Dragknee66 and QWK90GT ran into each other on the freeway last year I wasnt there so I cant comment.
Fact 2: QWK90GT is my b/f, DragKnee66 is a friend.
Fact 3: I am being blammed for this whole thing because my b/f wanted to ignore me because a "biker" was there. I was asked, as to "why" my b/f was ignoring me.. and simply stated the truth "because he hates bikes". Everyone has there own likes and dislikes.. so it wasnt a big deal! ...DragKnee66 was only asking as a friend would ask a friend that looked upset "whats wrong".
So now that I repeated as to ""why"" my b/f was mad, he now blames me for starting all of this challenge... when all I did was tell the truth.
The Reason: I support Dan in every race he goes against, whether I think he will win or loose. Its not about who wins in my eyes, its the point that he tries his best, and his best is all that matters to me. When I am placed in the position of having to choose a side just because its my b/f, thats not fair at all. Just because Dan is my b/f doesnt mean he will win. But is doesnt mean I dont believe in him either. I was told tonight by him that he thinks I hope he will fail and thats why I am supposedly not siding with him. Thats NOT the case.
Dan you wanted me to comment well theres the facts I didnt talk trash bout you to John. But you went ahead and accused me of it all because your mad. You then challenged me on top of it in our AIM discussion tonight. Well I will accept your challenge whether I loose or not I am not backing down. Im tired of being made fun of for not going fast on the bike, but I figured you of all people would have been the one to back me to them saying "I dont wanna see her hurt" but you didnt, you just bashed me just as bad tonight as they have before. So at least now you can get your wish of showing a bike tail lights to a mustang.
So heres the challenge. The now EX G/F as you made very clear tonight VS. QWK90GT. I hope you are happy in getting what you want in embarrassing me in front of CR.