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Everything posted by mjeosu27

  1. Oh yeah, and did I mention, eat shit Morgan.
  2. No shit. This "blame it on everything else but my own lack of intelligence" is getting really fucking old.
  3. Oh one other thing, The street heat kit can be made really safe, just use a smaller jet. It also takes about 15 minutes to install (seriously) and it costs somewhere around $350. On my car: .43 jet = +90/150 14:1 AFR .55 jet = +120/180 12.8:1 AFR It also comes with a .37 jet. I would guess its about a 50 shot, but I could barely feel anything when I used it. The kit comes in a black gym back which sits behind your passenger seat. Everything is in the bag- jets, solenoid, bottle, etc. Then you plug a push button switch into your lighter, and the button opens the solenoid. It's completely controled by the driver. When you want nitrous you press the button. Just make sure it is over ~3500rpm and at WOT. You run a line through the firewall and into the air intake track before the MAF. Mine was in the fenderwell, so it was completely hidden. Ask the guys at Passen about that smile.gif Nitrous sprays through the MAF and freezes it, which in turns tells the cpu to dump more fuel in to warm things up. It's pretty basic and not very reliable, unless you use a smaller shot. Those are my experiences. It was a lot of fun to beat people and have them look over my entire car and not be able to find how an obnoxiously loud dual exhaust V6 beat their transam. w00t
  4. Rob, I assume you are talking about Justin. He is a perfect example of how far a good tune can take a stock block. Jeff, I sprayed mine. I have no idea how it didn't blow apart. I had the compucar "street heat" kit. You can find it on compucarnitrous.com. I put in some colder plugs and ran 94 octane. With the jet they suggested I use for a 75 shot, I put down 120rwhp and 180rwtq over what I dyno'd stock. This was with about a 13.5-14:1 AFR. There is no real way to tune this kit- it sprays through the MAF. I dyno'd 278/380 and went 13.67 @ ~106. I put 20 bottles through with the AFR. I would suggest a split port swap for your customer. I think it's fairly simple, and not to expensive. He could also look at swapping in the bottom end of a 4.2L truck motor. Guess it just depends on budget. Guess you could also suggest swapping on a blower from a factory SC'd thunderbird. Like everyone else said, look on supersixmotorsports, although they are expensive. Also check out: http://www.v6power.net http://www.3.8mustang.com Sorry for the scatter-brained thoughts, hope that helps!
  5. http://www.anesth.hama-med.ac.jp/Anedepartment/m-igarashi-respirator-b3.jpg PLUS http://www.lynnpolice.org/images/OxyContin.jpg PLUS http://www.state.sd.us/doh/images/radiation%20sign.jpg PLUS http://www.ucsf.edu/dpsl/image/chemo1.jpg
  6. http://www.danielthomas.org/Assets/film%20reviews%20pix/bsaints.jpg
  7. now we are getting somehwere Crazy guy in Full metal killed himself on the shitter.
  8. Duh, we all know Cavaliers are racecars!
  9. mjeosu27

    The Supra

    Jebus someone just go over there and give her some help. I would do it, but I next to nothing about that car/engine. Sorry, I'll ask around and try to find some help.
  10. http://www.aljazeera.com/cgi-bin/news_service/pics/5684.jpg
  11. Yikes. What is that, about a month of 20 hours days? Sorry to hear that. Come out to play in July.
  12. Good point. By the way, are you the Larry that knows Dan Lyons?
  13. I heart TJ. Ricochet, FUCKING LOG TINA OUT, please. I keep thinking she posts this crazy ass shit when it's really you. It's not hard, rookie biotch
  14. Jesus Christ man, glad you are semi-ok. Obviously you leanred your lesson about riding in a different state of mind. What's with all the wrecks lately? Or maybe now that we have a moto-forum we just hear about all the shit that happens weekly. I dunno. Enjoy the drugs.
  15. Don't worry so much man. Let her go out and have fun. Encourage her to go out and have fun. As a matter of fact, make her believe you totally want her to go to a club. If you don't she will just go anyways, and then probably let a guy grind his denim cock up her poopshute b/c she is mad at you and trying to pull away a little. If she thinks you are absolutely cool with it, she'll go and have a good time, (yeah maybe some guy will grab her ass or buy her a drink, but she'll fend em off.) Then, when she gets home, she will be very thankful and your understanding and thoughtfullness will be rewarded with YOUR cock up her poopshute (sans denim.) Hope that helps, hit me up on instant messenger if you want more insight.
  16. That was my first impression as well. The headlights don't help it much either. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  17. And Joe comes through in the clutch
  18. Let me know what you got. Preferrably I would like two sticks of 256. This is for a friend. Anthony, you got the hook up??? Thanks man.
  19. mjeosu27


    Again, I heart Nate. Welcome, Tiffany. And no, I will not try to bang her.
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