Hey guys, I need someone to work as a bouncer for me tonight at Polo's on Bethel Road. If you have any experience as one, that would be great, but as this point I just need someone who can handle themselves well.
Job involves breaking up any arguements, kicking people out if they are sick/too drunk/beligerent, or removal at the manager's request. Also you have to stack some chairs and wipe down tables at the end of the night.
It's a cake job, and people are easy to deal with for the most part. You will be standing around looking at chicks grind on eachother most of the night.
It's from 10pm until 3am, 5 hours work. $50 cash right outta the drawer. No paper work to fill out, no taxes.
Please message me ASAP on instant messenger at mjeosu27. Or call 764-9384 and leave a message if I am not here. Or, just post a reply on here.
Thanks in advance!!!
[ 03. September 2004, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: MJ ]