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Everything posted by mjeosu27

  1. Agreed. I should rephrase: I'll take ET over trap speed in a street race.
  2. Nate don't make me smack you I'll take ET over trap any day. You would too.
  3. Congrats Eric, couldn't be happier for ya graemlins/thumb.gif
  4. why oh why did I click that graemlins/doh.gif
  5. I was wondering when that card was gonna get played
  6. Congrats Anthony! That's pretty damn cool man.
  7. Hey Nick, you don't happen to know a guy named Matt Larsen do you? Close friend of mine who worked at New Albany CC as a Tennis Instructor/Pro.
  8. Sean, go out and beat the dick off of both cars. Take into consideration some comments on here, but just purchase what you fall in love with- regardless of how you plan to mod, that could change. Congrats on being in a position in your life where you can decide between a Z06 and a Cobra.
  9. Happy Birthday you son of a bitch!
  10. Thanks Nate, but I only have one slot on this laptop and it already has a 64mb stick. Let me know if you get a good deal on anything more. Thanks mang!
  11. 128 or 256 por favor. Anyone have anything? TIA Mike
  12. mjeosu27

    3 die on 71

    Normally I would agree with you on this one Alex, but I'm kinda glad that guy lived. Dying for him would have been the easy way out. That guys is gonna be fucked for the rest of his sorry life, he deserves to live with the pain he has caused. I'm so sorry for the 3 that died, my condolences go out. They're in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. I dated a girl whose mother tipped just about everyone. Mail, pizza, garbage, paper delivery, recycle, etc. Course, they had mad cash. When said girl and I went out, I drove her dad's S8. Until he traded it in for an M5, and then I drove that. w00t Edit: Oh yeah, I try to tip 20-30% to pizzaman/waiters/waitresses, etc. They bust their ass so I don't have to.
  14. As long as you don't get hurt, come get the keys smile.gif
  15. Actually, in the snow, I think a skinnier tire is a little better. It allows the snow to escape from under the tire better. I also heard that the less tire pressure the better. But hey, whatever works.
  16. *kiss* ...seriously though, message me Chris and I'll tell you what's up. We haven't talked for quite a while.
  17. Sorry to hear about that Doug. I know from what I have read, that you have put a lot of time and money into that thing. But seriously, it is just a car. It can be fixed. Who gives a fuck about material posessions. Think if she was seriously injured or even died- then the amount of damage to the car would make no difference to you. Be thankful that she wasn't hurt. And- if your car means more to you than she does, find another girlfriend. No offense but you are wasting each other's time. I don't really know you... we were gonna race and we have traded PM's a few times, but that seems really shallow to me. Don't get me wrong, it's a miserable feeling to know that the car is fucked up, especially after how hard you have worked. When it comes down to it, it is JUST a car. A tv is just a tv. A bracelet is just a bracelet. I can't think of anything more important to me than my loved ones. I know you are angry, but just take a deep breath and try to calm down a little. Just look at this as a learning experience, not as something so terrible. She/you have insurance, it will get fixed. Maybe for a second think about how you would feel if she died driving your car. It coulda been way worse, mang. Instant message me if you want to know more of my opinion/experiences, mjeosu27 on aol. Take care
  18. I have a 2000 v6 mustang, i put some snow tires on it and it handles like a champ. I can sit in my steep as driveway in 6 inches of snow and drive up it without even spinning the tire. I think driving in the snow is 80% operator and 20% vehicle. At least in these conditions. In 2 feet of snow I'd rather have an H1.
  19. http://www.lasotaracing.com For all of your Ford high performance tuning needs!! LaSota Racing Technologies Rob LaSota Phone: (740) 971-4901 What we do: Ford dynotuning, roadtuning (both with a wideband 02 sensor, of course), and mail order chips. We have the best tuning software available and can tune any Ford vehicle from a Focus to a Powerstroke truck, mild to wild...we can do it all. We also offer performance parts installation and performance build ups. We do everything from turbo installs on your Honda, to head swaps on your 5.0 Mustang. If you need it done, odds are, we can do it.
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