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Everything posted by smokinHawk1647545499

  1. ive been to elite fts a few times, worked out with richard douglas, that kid is a beast, he helped me add some pounds to my dead and helped my squat form in gear. he is training at westside last i heard. is vogalpul lifting at ludus magnus, heard he left lexan because there were to many kids there.
  2. if she has trouble racking the gun you might look into the ruger tomcat, has a tip up barrel so you can load the first round like that, and not to hard to rack if you have to. i got one for the ex, but sold it.
  3. i have already gotten the ok, once, ive got connections.... plus im currently ranked 8th in the nation for the 165lb class.
  4. you mean N54? they have a 10 year 120k warranty on the pump and injectors. plus not many people have had issues after the recall fix.
  5. i would go with the 535xi out of your list. well I though on the X cause awd is awesome... I have a 08 335xi and love it, I put on a JB4 used for $450 and it screams it should be making around 340 to the wheels. obviously since you said you wanted something big, id go with the 535, as the back seats will have more room, mine aren't bad but if you want size, go with the 535, i wanted something more compact so i went with the 335. the 535 will be a tad slower due to the extra weight though. you should be able to pick up a lower mileage 535xi for about $30k, i got my 335xi for $25800 with 41k miles. oh and i would suggest the sport package and idrive/navi. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5227/5591573785_dd2b66b207.jpg
  6. surgery out of the question then? ya we should, i want to get into a decent powerlifting gym, i hit a 550 squat last year i and i know with the proper instruction/training i can get it up past 650 this year. also with my bench if i can get my double ply shirt working i think i can hit 600.
  7. do you actually count callories per day, or do you just eat one big mean, stuffing your self so the others are smaller but maintain the average calorie consumption for the day.....like everyone else who thinks they eat and eat
  8. natural is without the use of AAS raw is no lifting gear like a bench shirt, squat or deadlift suit. suited and shirted is a special powerlifting clothing that supports you so you can lift more weight.
  9. no not accurate, the more water you have in you the leaner it tests you at when the opposite is true. there is no real accurate way other then killing the specimen.
  10. education free??? ever think how expensive it is (just k-12) you are paying for your education there your whole life or at least the time you are working with school taxes
  11. if you want sex from her and dont want to rape her like the others posted i will suggest taking her to Martini's I have a 100% hit rate for all the girls i have taken there. Usually i dont think im going to get any that night, then i take 'um there and bam! Heck last girl i took there i was trying avoid getting some from her, got set up with a friend and his girl to go there with this chick, and yup, couldnt avoid getting some later that night.... sure you'll spend $70-100, but considering the 3-4 times you will get some that night it only come out to $17.5-$25 per sex time... i swear they put something in there food that makes chicks want to bang.. Leave none for Kong! Take her to martini's
  12. lol if the guy was 2% he would be close to dead.... i think 3% is the lowest anyone has gotten to.
  13. are those current? not a bad bench, but you need a stronger back, it will strengthen your injury. i hit 200lbs in January then cut down to 165lbs @ 8% bodyfat on 4/8/11 for a NASA powerlifting meet. did it raw so i hit a 468 squat, 363 bench, 568 deadlift for a 1400lb total, this ranked me 8th in the nation this year. I am going to get back up to 190-195 in august and compete at 181 in the SPF pro/am, my goal is a 1900lb equipped total. where do you train? I want to train over at west side this summer to get me ready for the pro/am.
  14. im sure your lean but i doubt you were that lean, what you need to do for the 6-7% is ruff. maybe 8% id believe. pics for proof. i hit 8% cutting down to 165lbs for my last power-lifting contest so i could weigh in the 165lb class. then went back up to 9-10% currently. and his lifting numbers can be natural, they aren't to far out there, bench is high for the bodyweight, but i bet its touch and go. even then there are drug tested lifters hitting 500 at 198
  15. looks similar to mine, except the optics, grip and rail covers. first you want a car like mine now this....
  16. one of the best places to eat is at the Y lol
  17. i need to get mine redone, cops pull me over.
  18. if the site was sold to a third party, it would ruin the site. just look what happened to ls1tech when IB bought it, it is not nearly the site it was originally.
  19. that's only if they spit, they just need to swallow the antidote.
  20. what up, i havent heard from ya since SRD went down. are there any dayton boards around? i havent been on any for ever.
  21. the husband heard, pop pop pop and wanted to go to bed and get some nookie....
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