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Everything posted by smokinHawk1647545499

  1. lol nothing screams old-man watch like rolex, they havent made a good looking watch for ever, very outdated.
  2. I need to have someone look at my trans, a th400 with a RMVB. log story short, i got a th400 a while ago and had a friend put in a art car RMVB with a brake. well he didnt do it right, there was no line pressure, car/trans would do nothing when put into gear, gave it bad for him to work on but he put it off and ended up passing away last month., I picked it up and now need somebody to figure out what is wrong and get it working.. anyone recommend a shop that can trouble shoot it and get it working right around the cbus area? thanks.
  3. im at about 183lbs now maybe about 9%bf and will be at 165lbs april 8th. lol doing a powerlifting meet at nasa in Springfield the 9th.
  4. http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h384/reactor1/BoilingWaterReactorDesign_3.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/36/Browns_Ferry_Unit_1_under_construction.jpg an honest look on the situation me thinks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Htk5mQf1OAM
  5. my friend has one, leaks oil bad, tranny went out once, has a lot of check engine lights, trim pieces are falling off. has 200k miles though.
  6. i tired it and it sucks, since the user generated content no users generate anything.
  7. lol the most racist people are Asians, as they just don't hate other races they hate other Asians too.
  8. i heart Asian chicks, especially the short ones. but big deal she just rants about them talking in the library and how their parents take care of them, the commentary to the vid was the racist part, hating on the white man, when it was a dumb blond...
  9. you bastard! that is the car i am looking for, and no they dont. they have autos, and one 328i manual.
  10. i have one but couldnt get it to you before, "Friday" "Friday"....
  11. i might have an extra set, have to go out in the garage and look.
  12. this dude has some mad ups for only being 5'8" lol
  13. me too, $80 saved a month. now i'm out in the world instead of becoming a vegetable on the couch.
  14. i did not do the quickset under the hardibacker, and it has been fine for 3 years, no cracks or anything. you could tile up to your dishwasher, on my i made provisions for the tile, not sure in your case since it was not when it was put in there. oh and buy the wet saw, its cheap and you will use it a lot.
  15. i remember when i saw him at the Atlanta airport, freakin awesome, was in his normal wrestling garb too.
  16. not to bad what fed? i compete in NASA, IPA, and SPF but can you still do those, i can come close as most where this year my best are raw squat: 500 bench: 430 deadlift: 570 equipped squat:550 bench: 500 deadlift: 600 most of those were done at 181, some done up to 194lbs bodyweight.
  17. now that i ditched the iphone for the android platform do they have those hacks for android.
  18. at first i thought the op was lolzering, but i think he was serious, wow! lmao.
  19. :gtfo: the answer was above you yet you still got it wrong........ you stated what you were trying to find the square root of.:doh:
  20. i guess i agree, three ladies, and only one holiday, going to suck, glad I have school today and dont have to spend time with any of them
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