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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Your still slower then that colt. Beat Keiths car huh.... I will have to call sand baging on Keiths part, but thats just me. Cant speak for a car that is not mine.
  2. Brandon

    Who is?

    Sounds like sonny
  3. Honestly, the swim is the worst part, and the biking is awfull as well. I do the olympic distances, so these are pretty tame. I might do those, but not sure at this stage, lower back proublems during long runs are killing me right now, got to figure out why.
  4. you come out to any meets often? If so I wouldnt mind having the MBC
  5. 30 miles aint to bad Berto
  6. I will finish when ever the fuck I want to.
  7. Seriously this is the fucking internet...But its cool, anyone can be a bad ass online. graemlins/jerkit.gif John vodka tonight? Your welcome to join in. And if I cant say fuck tha police, then Eli shouldnt have it in his sig, so that should be a stirke!!!!!!!!!!!!ohes noes the strike has been issues, I am skurred to death, I couldnt wish for worse things to happen to me.
  8. </font>graemlins/grin2.gif
  9. Indivdual throttle bodies are the shit! What series is that for?
  10. ahhh thats cute, good thing you got laid.......
  11. dude thats a stike graemlins/jerkit.gif
  12. What type of sales work does it entail, and how much of a sales man do you need to be?
  13. Neons are lame. Nothing to be confused about tongue.gif
  14. Stories make posts more interesting.
  15. You were trying to be a hard ass following the cop to close, and got ticketed for it. Now do I care no, but do I think its funny, HELL YA. Oh well like I said, I really dont care, and I will continue to think what I want.
  16. Just fine thanks. Runs like a top. Oh, before you crack on me for having a broken vehicle...how long was your bike down? Did you ever get it running again? Did your super sweet shop teacher ever get it running? -Marc</font> I was listening...But I dont care that much, I know what I have heard several times and it was'nt was you just wrote, trying to portray innocenece. So just one more for funnies HYPOCRITE And man its that time of the month for you huh...
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