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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Brandon


    Yup this is definatly the begining of the end for gm and ford. They can not borrow any more money, which means new products are put on hold, and also means the money they have borrowed is getting hit with exteremely high interest rates. Its sad to see the American car companies fall, but they definalty in the downward spiral.
  2. Brandon

    Buicks 2007 GNX

    Buick got the shit can
  3. Brandon


    Ya they are on the limit of becoming junk status.I have been following it because I think its important, I also do believe that Gm is not really a dynasty any more, at least thats what their sales numbers describe. Adam, what GM is doing right at this point in time is the fact that they have gone away from starving every dime and nickel out of old products, they are changing their stragetys which during the ninghtys opened the door for the japenese to steal large amounts of sales.
  4. Brandon


    Wrong again, there is improvement, but their is a reason why they are on the edge of junk status, and their is a reason why they are falling in sales, and down 1.1 billon. I think your 5 years to late for hope. The bean counters ruined that company, and I hope for Americas sake it gets back in dynasty form. Didnt help we made Japan our enemys
  5. Brandon


    Well if Kerkorian gets on the board, that means one more bean counter, not puting the proper amount of money into reasearch and development, and trying to strave every dime out of 20 year old designs.
  6. Brandon


    GM stock deal Well I just saw and read this, its very intersting. My take is if GM goes through with a deal like this, then it will be right back where it ws before in the shitter in terms of products. I hope for GM and this does not happen, they have enough proublems ( being short a billon dollars and all ).
  7. Auto cross is just alright, do some opening lapping days John. Its where the big boys go!
  8. I was waiting for this reply. Kerplunk.
  9. its funny to see the rotary guys chime in with disgust...
  10. vote no for issue 2 smile.gif
  11. sick, she needs taken out back
  12. Brandon

    Sump Pump

    craftsman is what we have, its warrented
  13. Brandon

    pic of my car

    Nice...But I dont see a cage so it cant be that fast tongue.gif
  14. Anyone is welcome, we will be playing at my place round 8-9. I believe it is going to be a cash game, 10$ buy in, 15 minute cash out warning. If you want directions, PM me. -B
  15. Brandon

    rocket bike

    One tenth of a second you see him, the next you dont.
  16. that exit is a mile from my home, but i got to work so i cant go.
  17. I suck at that game, no idea how you guys got 1000 plus
  18. best post you ever made...hahaha Get a nutrition book if your interested in the proper foods to eat.
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