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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Eric, Clean coal does not even exhist. They have yet to try to this, for fear the c02 dumped into the ground will rise back out and sufficate people unsuspecting people. So Barack is an asshole for thinking he can enforce clean coal, its proven nothing, other then the engineers who invented as a science project are now claiming its a poor idea. Ok so no clean coal, lets give it to Barack to tax them, then where do we get 50% of the countrys power from... Nuclear, nope hes against that, Solar and Wind? Well again its not a steady enough form of energy yet, so its a ways out... I mean do you know the economic clamity that will happen when he taxes the energy companies? The jobs you say Mccain would take. As for the climate changes, Eric you know as well as everyone else, there is not solid proof that the climate changes are not just historic, there are arguments for an against, so Ill trust the guys with college degrees not your rant with coal power plants an pregant ladies. Again Eric weak sauce. Its historic, the democrates will promise to lower taxes to buy your vote, then tax the shit out of anything they can, and add fairness...
  2. Rumors are floating it may get the axe before its even mass produced, do to economic restructuing.
  3. Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  4. Special order from Darton, but it can be done.
  5. Obviously you understand this, its typical democratic tradition to claim to lower taxes, then as soon as they get elected, pow higher taxes. They ask where the bottem to the finance markets are, where is the bottem of their tax hicks... 40% of Americans DO NOT even pay taxes, that number will be going down if the Obamacons get in. Its not a theory or instinct, it is a fact. And Eric I look to the future, my future just doesnt involve Obama, and it makes me quite humble.
  6. The issue is the democrats spent all their money... and still could'nt win. :bangbang:
  7. Meh looking into history, the democrats are following old traditions, saying one thing, to buy the vote. Cant buy my vote you hippies. :bangbang: :gtfo:
  8. Darton MID wet sleeves part number 600-180 LS2/7 I can get them for you if you need a set
  9. LS-2/7 600-180 4.100 4.700 0.300 5.800 0.400 5.140 4.125-4.200 MAX
  10. There are loop holes yes, I know you know. Agree to disagree, thats how politics work amiwrite. An we have loop holes because we have to many lawyers...Sitting around sucking life from the already lifeless. Im not saying they dont serve a purpose but...We should do similarly that what the europeans or maybe british do im not 100% certain and limit the total number of lawyers per state, or region. Limit the mcdonalds law suits... And typically the rich donate the most money for the poor, so they do have a conscience, or they would rather donate to their belife, and write that off on taxes. As for a note above, taxes serve a good purpose, but so do donations...They cant force you to donate anything, but they can make it benefical for you to do so, I prefer that then robin hood men in tights. :bangbang:
  11. Brandon


    she wants a five dollar footlong
  12. Eric, ill make it short and sweet. Please tell me you understand that the democrats, do not even follow their own policies, they are the richest members of our senate, they hold huge stakes in wall street... They really looking out for the little guy, or are they simply looking out for themselves? I mean Obama recently just changed his stance on campagin finance reform, wonder why, couldnt be because he spent 3-1 what mccain spent could it... http://www.forbes.com/beltway/2006/11/17/senate-politics-washington-biz-wash_cx_jh_1120senate.html http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9806E4DE1538F931A25755C0A96F958260 Taxing the rich heavily is not the solution. Seems the democrat leaders will be taking a huge hit...Not likely. I sapose you believe unions are a wonderful device as well, really they help America stay competitive. Back on point, if you mearly seek jobs Eric, then tell me why Japan sent thousands of jobs over seas to right here in America, practicing predatory capitalism? Seems like they figured it out, but no your right, all our *wealth* is gone, turns out you may have to suffer, and work for the money. Again taxing the rich to spread the wealth down to the middle and lower class, will only make things worse. The Reds are coming!:bangbang:
  13. Eric, the government programs funded by tax revenues, and are relevant to this discussion, as a direct relationship. If you mean to only talk talk cut, for raise, and nothing else, then sorry I got a little off topic. They (manufactors) took their business else where because of an opportunity presented for profit, pretty simple to me, a fundamental belief making America the wealthiest country in the world. I dislike the jobs leaving the U.S. but you can not fault big business for using a capital opportunity. There are methods to keep jobs here in the states through tax cuts, and small tariffs, which will create a more competition with Asia. The tax cuts to send jobs over seas, though is pure crime, I do disagree with that, but there are better methods.
  14. "President Bush also understands that, over the long run, wealth is created by hard-working, risk-taking individuals, not government programs. Countries with low taxes, limited regulation, and open trade grow faster, create more jobs, and enjoy higher standards of living than countries with bigger, more centralized governments and higher taxes. The United States has led the way in economic performance over the last century because America is a freer country. If people are given the freedom to create, they do. If people are given a stake in the outcome, they succeed." Eric, Argue that. Aww the Obama campaign is upset, that dont like real questions... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X346U109Chs
  15. OMG you cant be serious. Obama doesnt have executive experience, you mean he has only worked in congress for half of a year, as documented days worked. You mean his own VP says he is not prepaired. Lies. Conservatives made it all up, hoax. :bangbang:
  16. Eric, I DID READ. In fact the largest contributors of tax revenue to our government read this as well, because THEY are the ones getting a higher tax burden, is that fair in a capital economy? College courses on economics, or have any other education other then internet contra, can denote the need, and issues of raising taxes. ect. I have a *clue*, a clue on how scientifically and historically taxing works, not what sounds right. You speak of education all the time, and it being a solid investment... Also relax a little, I know dems. get their panties in a bundle when you talk reality. The issue is pretty simple for the recent economic down turn, why did politicans allow a rule that stood for years among lenders, to have X amount of capital on hand to cover X amount of high risk debt ; they should have never been allowed to simply insure the high risk debt without the capital to pay for it. Its similar to investing on margin. Then when you have jobs that "move" overseas you also loose homeland income, i am not doubting it allows a better trade opportunity for the U.S. but it hurts homeland revenues obviously. I like Obamas stance on homeland job security, but his tax and ecnonmic policies leave much to be disired. :bangbang:
  17. Listen... Unfortunatly Charles Barkely said it best, The poor democrats have been crying about being poor for the last 40 years, and look where they are still poor. Raising taxs will create an economic down turn, your foolish to think otherwise, you're also foolish to believe taxing the rich will create more jobs, you're foolish to think taxing business will not raise prices, you're just foolish to re-distribute wealth, you're foolish to let the government to collect more of your money and piss it away to fialing programs, you're foolish to create a trillion dollars in government spending, you're foolish to think raising taxes is the solution. The Middle class will shrink, and the so called back bone for the American economy will not even exhist. Tax them, see what happens, the economic problem with further progress, and pockets will tighten. Its simple, even china has got it right... They are cutting taxes to promote their economic growth. Democrates can promote even distribution of wealth all they want, they have been doing it for a century, and look how far they got...Still complaining there are people richer then them, finding ways to give out gimmes and freebies, when all that is needed is an opportunity, its YOUR choice what to do with that opportunity, not the governments.
  18. Every CR member I can offer 15% off to ! So if you would like a set just let me know. I have some in stock already, and they are moving fast.
  19. Who pays his sallary then ? Besides Lobbiests, you're older and wiser then me so it should be easy for you explain. LOL
  20. Who cares , Barack has spent 4 :1 on his campaign then Mccain. Popularity contest... The ignorant win again
  21. Eric, when are you running for public servant ?
  22. " Barack Obama, who has spents months now trying to run away from his erudite, elitist, arrogant labels, while trying to convince undecided voters that he is a regular guy, an average American, a man of the people, will wear a custom-made Hart Schaffner Marx suit when he accepts the Democratic nomination in Denver on Thursday night. According to an article appearing on Forbes.com, the “flattering fit” suit would retail at department stores such as the upscale Nordstrom chain for a reported $1,500. Forbes.com reports that the Hart Schaffner Marx team personally tailored Obama in Chicago. For a man who routinely reminds the world that he was raised by a single mother of modest means, when it comes to what to wear for the moment when you will strut on stage in front of tens of millions of viewers, Obama’s taste in suits is certainly anything but modest. Come Thursday night, one has to wonder how many of those undecided voters watching at home in small Midwestern towns who Obama previously accused of being “bitter” and “cling(ing) to (their) guns or religion,” spend $1,500 annually for their entire wardrobe, not for just one suit for one night in August when you want the world to accept you as just an average Joe. Ill still search for the article, but the 150k dem. national convention suit quote was from Lou Dobbs. http://www.irs.gov/taxstats/indtaxstats/article/0,,id=96978,00.html Tax info above link. Again, no one wants to pay more taxes or spread wealth. But seriously when you have the top tiers of America already paying well over half of the income taxes for the country, I see it pointless to tax them further. Liberals, and typically Dem's have the ability to make more, or work harder, but choose not to. My belief. Eric, No response to China's cutting of income taxes and such? I mean the socialist commies even know how to do it properly now!
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