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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Yup. Any videos? That thing looks great.
  2. Patrick

    saturday 10-8

    I made them dinner? What are you talking about? :dumb:
  3. Patrick

    saturday 10-8

    It's all gone for now. Shared it with the parents and girlfriend. Next time I prepare my Angus, BC, I will save you some.
  4. Patrick

    saturday 10-8

    I did have to bend over to throw it in the smoker. I rubbed it first. My Angus was the manager's special today.
  5. Patrick

    saturday 10-8

    I did prepare my Angus earlier, how did you know? It was delicious.
  6. My experience? Blood. Blood ended up EVERYWHERE. But really, she did a fine job. I was satisfied.
  7. http://www.halolz.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/halolz-dot-com-gearsofwar-marcusfenix-woody-toysofwar-reachforthesky.jpg
  8. I agree with this, get checked out. I didn't want to say I was fine and then BOOM, be Hot Wheels next week. My adjuster was all like cash check? I was like I'm going to the doctor's first, and waiting for my car to be fixed to my satisfaction first, then I'll make the decision to take your money for my "inconvenience" :fuckyeah:. Doc's bills paid, car fixed 100%, and a bit of cash for my trouble. Funny, I was in a black Saab too. Tell me it wasn't a towncar that rearended you.
  9. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/CR%20Track%20Day%2010-7-2011/IMG_9563.jpg Patrick likes this.
  10. Inspect the old one, craft store choice and color of material, spray adhesive, reinstall.
  11. Putin scares the fuck out of me. He definitely is old school. Wonder how Dead Hand's doing? And Yamantov. Ozzy/Danzig 2021 on the opposing ticket. Vote cast.
  12. Patrick

    Forza 4 Demo

    DiRT is the best racing sim ever, hands down.
  13. Second one. First is a bit worn imo.
  14. Patrick

    Friday night 10/7

    I have to work Saturday at 830a :no:
  15. What parts and when did they buy back a controlling interest?
  16. Patrick

    Friday night 10/7

    I'll be out after 9pm.
  17. Yuengling is better than Bud or Miller, at a competitive price. Imo, better than the swill those two put out.
  18. Receive a free push-up with any service! Act quick, supplies are limited! http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/307792_10150331001104375_662464374_7661133_908539584_n.jpg
  19. Stube's good. Bit small though. Go to Bob's Bar if you want selection. High and Morse.
  20. I may need you come winter possibly both drag and roll, I have trouble with snow.
  21. Campus, The Library. Off campus, around a fire.
  22. Patrick

    10-01 Tonight.

    You DO have my whiskey. Perhaps this will be, I'm going to meet a baby and I'll text.
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