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Everything posted by TimTaylor751647545500

  1. They may have lost, but I still haven't lost any faith or support for my Buckeyes. Say what you want, but they are up there every year fighting for the #1 position. If you wanna say that OSU is over-rated, that's fine, but you are the same people tuning into their games and ESPN every week. I cheered for OSU today and I'll be cheering for them every week to come. Go BUCKS!!!
  2. If Pryor played an entire game over Beckman I think we may have had a much better shot of bringing it within the spread than what took place.
  3. Installed today. Seems pretty decent so far. http://www.speedtest.net/result/322401054.png
  4. http://pibones.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/elisha_cuthbert.jpg
  5. And there was talk of selling this beaut? tisk tisk
  6. What I have or don't have to race isn't the point. There is a thing called newbie etiquette on this site, and it appears you don't understand that.
  7. noobs don't welcome other noobs
  8. http://i35.tinypic.com/34oob3m.gif
  9. Thanks, I really didn't have much time to take pics since I was being pulled along by my two buddies. There were so many cars there, even with two days, I probably didn't see half. I have quite a bit of the show on video as well that I need to upload still.
  10. Has everyone on CR worked here at some point?
  11. You said yourself that you're a fan of tOSU, yet you post "Go Gators". Sorry, I will never root for the Gators unless their playing scUM (and that's not really hoping UofF wins, more that scUM loses). I've lived in Ohio pretty much my entire life. During those years, I have attended many sporting and non-sporting events for the school. Many of my family members & friends have attended the school and my uncle has been a professor at tOSU for nearly 30 years. I guess that's why I like Ohio State (if you just have to know). How do you think the greatness of the team is constructed? Oh yes, recruiting. How many years (even before OSU) has Tressel had winning seasons? And I quote: http://www.coachtressel.com/coach_tressel/biography.asp 75% of the country believes that USC will win the game, and I'd say there are a lot of OSU fans that have doubts as well, but we're still going to cheer for every yard they rush and pass and for every tackle they make. That's what fans do and as an Ohio State Fan, that's what I'll be doing on Saturday, and every following Saturday.
  12. Does it matter to you if I did or didn't?
  13. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v289/TimTaylor75/666116_2_full.jpg Had to be done, but at least I kept the yellow theme going.
  14. You lose all credibility in this thread after making this post.
  15. I was driving home from work listening to Howard Stern and heard about the first plane and made it home in time to turn on the news and see the 2nd plane live. I went numb and ended up staying up pretty much all day watching the coverage. It was a day that changed the way that many of us see our country and the way we live. Today is my mother's birthday as well, so there are two emotional sides to this day for me. Never Forget
  16. Being able to stay up passed 8pm on Fridays to watch "Dukes of Hazard" Friday Night videos before Mtv Thinking Jack Tripper was the funniest mofo on the planet Betamax Having an actual cable hooked to the cable tv box http://www.electronichouse.com/images/slideshow/JerroldRemoteControl.jpg Being in love with Lynda Carter aka Wonder Woman Gopher & Issak $.25 1 liter glass pops
  17. http://cbs13.com/watercooler/selling.virginity.tuition.2.814271.html http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/3653/natalie20dylancp5.jpg http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/1263/nataliedylanew4.jpg
  18. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/image.php?u=624&dateline=1220551503 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/image.php?u=4955&dateline=1220320280 LOL
  19. Oh, yeah that part seems misleading. I had a sales chick come to my door whom I bought mine from who said that of the two boxes I'll be getting, I'll only be able to watch shows from each box on their respective tv's.
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