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Everything posted by TimTaylor751647545500

  1. I cancelled out the other vote with my vote, so I voted because you said I should vote because people have died so we could have the right to vote.
  2. You should have started a poll whether or not to start a poll. Car looks clean.
  3. Congrats on your 1st tattoo. I'm wanting to get another myself.
  4. That's a buddy of mine's car that lives in Delaware. He drove it to Texas and back two months ago, so I would think he'd be able to drive someplace in town (if he were interested in doing the shoot).
  5. Right on. Good luck with the search & the shoot.
  6. Mike Mitchell's younger brother just committed to Ohio State's bball team! This is a very good pick up by Matta. http://www.elevenwarriors.com/2013/08/24918/ohio-state-buckeyes-basketball-recruiting-mickey-mitchell-is-a-buckeye
  7. As long as Roby successfully completes a diversion program and avoids legal trouble for the next calendar year, Roby will not face a class-b misdemeanor charge. Bill Rabinowitz of the Columbus Dispatch reported Wednesday evening that the disorderly conduct charge facing Ohio State cornerback Bradley Roby was conditionally dismissed. The disorderly conduct charge, a class-b misdemeanor, stemmed from an encounter with a bouncer at a Bloomington, Indiana area bar this past July. Roby was arrested and subsequently until recently his status with the football team was up in the air. Though he had been practicing with the second team, Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer announced this past weekend that Roby would be suspended at least one game, pending the outcome of a hearing that had been set for next week. As a result of the conditional dismissal, that hearing has been canceled. As long as Roby completes a diversion program successfully and can stay out of trouble until August 16th, 2014, he won't face the misdemeanor he'd previously been charged with. With Bradley Roby out of the mix, Ohio State plans to start Armani Reeves opposite Doran Grant. Ohio State opens their season a week from Saturday at noon against the University of Buffalo. http://www.landgrantholyland.com/2013/8/21/4645718/charge-against-ohio-state-db-bradley-roby-dismissed
  8. Woman: Do you drink beer? Man: Yes Woman: How many beers a day? Man: Usually about 3 Woman: How much do you pay per beer? Man: $5.00 which includes a tip Woman: And how long have you been drinking? Man: About 20 years, I suppose Woman: So a beer costs $5 and you have 3 beers a day which puts your spending each month at $450. In one year, it would be approximately $5400 …correct? Man: Correct Woman: If in 1 year you spend $5400, not accounting for inflation, the past 20 years puts your spending at $108,000, correct? Man: Correct Woman: Do you know that if you didn’t drink so much beer, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 20 years, you could have now bought a Ferrari? Man: Do you drink beer? Woman: No Man: Where’s your Ferrari....?
  9. I can't even imagine what would possess someone to think this way. Who cares that they were trying to get into a gang or not, this is just horrific and really sad. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-57599336-504083/christopher-lane-australian-baseball-player-killed-by-bored-okla-teens-police-say/
  10. Not sure if anyone had heard about his, but this seems to be gaining some traction that may come back to bite scUM in the ass. http://www.washtenawwatchdogs.com/4/post/2013/08/the-cover-up-of-the-arrest-of-university-of-michigan-football-player-brendan-gibbons-for-rape.html
  11. How can you tell how tall she is in the clip?
  12. It's kinda hard to tell, but I really can't see anyone actually driving the truck.
  13. Most plywood sheets come in 4'x8' or 48"x96", so you'll end up needing two pieces. You can have Lowe's cut it for you to dimension on their panel saw.
  14. Best line at the very end. Shuddup, don't tell me how to drive.
  15. I have an HTC Incredible, but need to verify whether it's 4G or not.
  16. Someone explain the dual e-brake handles to me.
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