Some may remember that my account was hacked over Christmas and I wound up with a bunch of fraudulent transactions which eventually fell off and the funds were returned to my account. At the end of December, I closed the account I had since I was 17 and opened a new one to eliminate all chances of my info still being available to the guilty party. At the time, I enrolled in the 5th/3rd ID Alert and Monitoring product which allows you unlimited access to your credit scores and reports and monitors your account for any suspicious activity. 30 days free, then $5.95/month. I have yet to receive my membership id# (which you have to have to be able to register) so I called the company that manages the plan (3rd party co.) again today for an update - no record of me signing up for the product (which I did at the branch when I opened the new account). So they suggest I call my bank and inquire further.
This is where I begin to get frustrated because I realize a few things while I'm on the phone with my branch. They did not transfer my rewards points over to the new account at the end of December so I may have lost out on over $500 worth of rewards. The "excuse" the manager gives me for me not getting enrolled in this program in a month's time is that, "once a quarter we misplace a piece of paperwork or two during their scanning process before they send off these documents to other organizations" - such as this ID Alert group I just got off the phone with. So, 5th/3rd in an attempt to help me keep my info secure and allow me access to monitor my information, they have misplaced the document I signed that has my name, address, account # and signature on it. And her suggestion to remedy this situation is, "just stop back in and we can re-enroll you in the program and send off another document with all of your information". How fucking dumb do you think I am lady?
Long story short - I need a new bank.